03 November 2020


 16 Marcheshvan 5781

(NOTE:  This was written on October 30, 2020 to be published on the day of the election.)

The Russia investigation, the impeachment trial, the obsession with Israel, BLM, the flaunting of COVID restrictions - it all amounts to a great bit of theater to keep the masses distracted, entertained and to feel even more committed to their 'unjustly' embattled leader.  That is for the Republicans.  For the Democrats, it all amounted to a great bit of theater to keep their masses distracted, entertained and to feel more committed than ever to (en)forcing the change they want to see.  For four years, it has galvanized the masses to be occupied with anything but coming together to fight the real threat to the existence of the Republic.  Everybody loses in this election, except maybe Trump.

I predict a Trump 'win' because (1) he hasn't finished the job yet - no one is more 'qualified' to represent arrogant and audacious Edom at the End of Days and to preside over its demise; (2) it's not up to the voters, it's a pre-arranged outcome; and (3)  Hashem is going to show the Jews just how vituperative, scurrilous and perfidious Trump really is - all who put their trust in man will be shamed:  

"So says the Lord: Cursed is the man who trusts in man and makes flesh his arm,...." (Yirmiyahu 17.5)  

And it will be Mashiach who reveals his true character vis a vis The Jews.  "How dare you ungrateful Jews... after all I did for Israel..."  Even though his people lost no opportunity to declare publicly that whatever they did "for Israel" was really for the favor of his Evangelical base, who also have ulterior motives for supporting Israel.  But, when Mashiach takes charge of this country, look out, because this is what will bring all the nations against us.

Let me reiterate here that my views on Trump, which have never changed, are in no way a reflection of support for his opposition.  They are both sleaze bags!  And neither party's platform reflects the will of the Creator for mankind.  I don't endorse anyone who stands opposed to HKB"H and right now, like in the time of Avraham Avinu, that seems to be the majority of the world. Nevertheless, regardless of who holds the office, HKB"H HOLDS ALL OF THE POWER!

The truly G-d-fearing and righteous people have to withdraw from it all and attach 100% to HKB"H.  And that makes it all the more scary how many rabbis and religiously-observant Jews are attaching themselves to some form of Edomite tumah, whether it be right or left, doesn't matter a bit.


In the future, Esau will wrap himself in a tallis, sit down next to Ya'akov and say to him, "You are my brother"....Ya'akov will say to him, "My brother, you will not be like me. I will lead you to death, I will be the pestilence that leads you to She'ol (Hoshea 13,14). Had I upheld decrees that you promulgated against me, I would have been guilty at the eyes of Heaven. Had I violated them, you would have killed me (Yalkut Shimoni, Yirmiahu 333).

"That was Esau's intention when he told Ya'akov, 'Let us travel together and I will go before you' (Genesis 33,12). He wanted them to join together in both this world and the world to come, to meet each other halfway, with each modifying his conduct until they were alike (Yalkut Shimoni, Genesis 133).


  1. I saw where, allegedly, that nasty Dershowitz said Israel is in good hands no matter who wins. This might come as a shock to him, but Israel is in GOD'S hands and there is no one better!

  2. This joining together, of course, sounds exactly like those forward thinking Christians who see themselves residing in the Land of Israel, either in the North with Jews in the South, or mingled together.

    For years we have already been seeing fake tzitziyoth (ie. the Tallith).

    I say forward thinking, as many Christians have already changed their strategy vis-a-vis conquering. Instead of overt missionizing, they have gone with focusing on the Land, and getting a foothold in it. Instead of killing us, they are attempting to kiss us.

    Of course, the Jews collaborating with them, regardless of their intentions, are the real problem.

    Here is the only alternative to voting I could come up with. If anyone knows who designed this shirt, please let me know:

    Jews! Don't Vote for Biden OR Trump!

  3. Wonderful post, I totally agree and am ashamed of the fake religious Jews.

  4. Last night, precisely on the 82nd anniversary of the start of Kristallnacht according to the Hebrew date, there was an attack around a synagogue in Vienna, Austria, the capital of yemach shmo's birthplace. Two years after the Pittsburgh attack also on the anniversary of Kristallnacht. I would be interested to hear what Rav Anava or Rav Brody have to say about this. But to think that this is coincidence is pure kfira and the days of "it can't happen here" are over, as too the days of "it's happening somewhere else".

    As for responses like "Hashem is in control", of course He is, but He allows the world to run by certain rules and doesn't expect us just to sit by passively. We have to determine our ratzon regardless of our current circumstances, (Hayipalei MiHashem Davar) ask Hashem for help and take whatever action we can, all the while knowing that everything is from Him. This is why David Hamelech was considered greater than Chizkiyahu Hamelech.

  5. The first paragraph in the above post is so parve that it doesn’t relate to food at all. Very scantily equating each more or less the same is very misleading. Dershowitz must be compromised in some way.

    The threat of socialism, losing freedoms, and the New Green Order and the Great Reset is no “theater”. Gosh. Especially since their candidate will NOT be able to run a government because of both his mental acumen and ugly illegal business dealings.

    Just in: Trump now leads in Nevada, Pennsylvania, Florida, and Michigan. This (PA and FL) more or less assures his win. And Mr Shapiro didn’t call this.

  6. the day the United States will have a new President will be 17 cheshvan here in israel. Coincidence?

  7. drbsd, and we know there is no such thing as coincidence. ;-)

    Neshama, you never answered my question from before. What are you expecting to gain from a Trump win?

  8. Of course, Trump does not have to get reelected to finish the job he was given - as long as he can get it done by January 20, 2021.

  9. Devash, I did answer but on the other post.
    I don’t see my comment there anymore.

    I expect to see DJT finish the job he was tasked to do, by many in the government going way back to Presidents Reagan, Kennedy.
    They also sought to diminish the rising DS. Even back then there was a Q. But with the corrupt Bush Presidencies, Clinton and finally Obama, it was not time to get someone in the Presidency who would be a stronger figure to fight the evil that corrupted the American Government and the World. So DJT was asked to run for President.

    He has now been in office 4 years, and together with the Q Patriots have accomplished much. With another 4 years DJT will begin, after his reelection, to take down and bring to justice the many involved. Stay tuned and IY”H we will see how he will accomplish. [only with the protection and guidance of HKB”H]

  10. For American Jews, there is a difference. While still living in the U.S., a 'leftist' administration win will be a disaster for everyone, especially the Jews, as a little of it was/is already demonstrated in the streets of the U.S. That's just a taste. Whereas for the welfare of the Jews and the rest of the public, there will be some normalcy. Also, the next four years will give time for the Jews to wake up and repent and many to make aliya! The biggest problem is in the medina itself which has always been the Erev Rav leadership from the start. Now, they are not covering up their evil goals because they have completely aligned themselves with Esav/Yishmael.

  11. Neshama, my apologies. I just found your other comment in the spam folder. It has now been published, however flawed the thinking behind it might be.

  12. I happen to agree with Neshama in this matter. The Jews in EY have to see to do what they can to cleanse the Land of all the tumah, from so-called right and especially left. The leftists are the most dangerous because they don't even hide their hatred of Torah and their nefarious goals to make it a country of all its citizens. In the U.S., it is also imperative that the left does not win because no matter how one looks at the crazy situation in the world at this time, the leftists are completely tomei and is the sitra achra itself. When there is evil in the world as is today, one has to side (for survival) with the lesser of the evils. At this moment, believe Neshama sees it in the right way. It is we, yehudim, who need to do teshuva and see to it to fix up our problems. Most American Jews are assimilated, r'l, and have attached themselves to socialists/communists, etc. and have no connection to Torah Judaism and that is why anti-semitism has raised its ugly head at this time. Survival is what is of the utmost importance right now. Not everyone can just pick up and come home. First, there has be to be freedom of travel, etc. All the lockdowns worldwide are being perpetrated by the 'left' - frightening situation for freedom loving people and for being able to pick up and go and that is why it so chashuv that where so many Jews reside (U.S) that freedom returns and those who have awakened will be able to do what they need and want. May H' bless all true Yehudim and the righteous.

  13. A Biden 'win' could actually be the best-case scenario as that would give Trump only 2+months to turn on the Jews instead of 4 more years. Either way it will happen.

  14. Dvash I am reading your blog for years I agree completely with you. I am in shock to see Jews giving blind trust to Esav and even behaving as if he is mashiah when he is trying to steal our land and who knows what else.
    If religious Jews would have come nothing would have changed in Israel because the Zionist regime would have cheated on the elections to remain in power or corrupt the orthodox political leaders as we see presently.
    I agree (again) with you Jews who live abroad and criticize us who live in Israel and have a tougher life materialistically are full of hutzpa. I was even called a traitor by them because I don't vote for the dictator.

  15. Samson, I appreciate you so much but on this "If religious Jews would have come nothing would have changed in Israel..." you are wrong. And let me tell you why.

    Hashem is the "Angel" Who oversees this Land and it is so special you cannot believe. Here is where redemption sprouts and aliyah is its seed. This is how we could have brought redemption early and with great mercies, had the vast majority obeyed and returned. Our enemies would have been powerless before us and Hashem would have given us this victory! Mashiach would have come already. Don't you see?

    But, how do we know now that all the early times have passed and we are now stuck with redemption "in its time" with great sorrows and judgments? Because now the gates are closed and locked!

    1. Dvash you are right, I agree. I remember in the book the Jewish idea Rav Cahana explained that the state of Israel is the proof that it is teshuva in time because it is not tsadikim who funded it

    2. The gates are closed even the airports who would have imagined?

  16. Forgive me - there is constant bashing of American Jews on this site, insinuating that we are the ones holding back moshiach, that we are not really orthodox, and therefore soon we will all be punished with a second holocause. It is truly borderline sinas chinam- it has been so disheartening to read these constant posts basically blaming all jews who live outside of Israel.
    Maybe everyone should focus on correcting their own issues instead of scapegoating other Jews. For those that live in Israel you are indeed blessed but remember that a sin that is committed in the holy land is much more severe than a sin committed elsewhere. And there are many very righteous jews here in the US that have sacrificed tremendously for Hashem that are living true torah lives. No one knows who will be zoche to greet moshiach and who will not. No matter where they live. And no one knows who is beloved to Hashem no matter where they live. Living is Israel is not a guarantee that you will greet Moshiach nor does it indicate what type of Jew you are.
    Please stop all these doomsday scenarios for all American Jews. You are not Hashem!

  17. Samson, it happened on 9/11 - airports closed, nothing flew - and it happened again in 2010 in response to an erupting volcano in Iceland. Jews were stranded in Europe for two weeks and could not get to Israel. These warnings were ignored to our great sorrow.

  18. agreed about Mashiach Ben David

  19. To anon 3.10, begging Jews to make aliya is not bashing them, it is caring. It is Hashem sending the messages. Surely you must see the hand of Hashem in the timing of the Vienna and Pittsburg attacks. And as Jews, the welfare of other Jews is our issue. It's not just about who will greet Moshiah. We are in the geula but no-one knows how long it will take. In the meantime, we want you to come home and be safe. There are no guarantees, but overall the vast majority of Jews who left Europe before the Shoah lived, and the opposite. At a time of shmad, chalila, the righteous are destroyed with the wicked.

    Many wish to ignoring the current reality, under the guise of positive thinking (which is really just denial), but that doesn't mean the reality will ignore you. Positive thinking should be applied to solutions, along with some kind of action, and emuna and davening. There are many comments to the effect of "I can't make aliya, end of". But Hashem can solve any challenge you are currently facing, whether personal or general, airports etc, Hiyipalei meHashem davar?

    To Dvash, I don't think it is for any human being to decide that something is impossible.

    Anyone who wishes to make aliya, but feels stuck should listen to Rav Brody's shiurim at emunabeams.

  20. Now who is ignoring reality, Elisheva? I personally know of several people who are desperate to get into Eretz Yisrael and they are stuck right now. The government will not let anyone in who is not already a citizen. (Unless, of course, they are a missionary with a lot of money and political influence.) There are probably hundreds more for every one I am aware of.

    I think it is irresponsible and cruel at this stage to keep "begging" people to come, telling them to run to Israel while it is basically closed. Now, it's time to take Dov Bar Leib's advice and encourage them to find the place of greatest safety where they are so they can survive. However, I do not encourage Jews to take shelter with Christians.

    I already know it's not gonna happen, but I highly suggest every Jew to get out of New York. You are a sitting duck there. I don't believe there will be any escape from there. It's time to prepare to take shelter somewhere else away from the eastern seaboard. Time is growing short.

    That said, I do not discount HKB"H making one last call and Israel keeping its word this time to open the borders on Dec 1, 2020. Get your passports in order, be prepared to buy tickets and pray they open one more time and then get the h*ll out of there!

    You'll have to throw yourself on Hashem's mercy and beg him to make provision for you and trust that He will. (HE WILL!) Just get out, like Rabbi Anava's grandmother's family. If a large group decides to come without the doors being officially open, make sure to have the media waiting for you when you arrive so as to pressure the government to let you in.

    Whatever you do, do something! And do it now!! B'hatzlachah!

  21. bluestar... Israeli passport holders can go in and out. All others see here.

    Foreign nationals who apply to enter Israel will need to present an entry clearance. Entry clearance will be issued for exceptional cases only.

    (Updated 1 Nov 2020)

    As follows are the cases in which the entry into Israel of foreigners will be approved, exceptionally and following examination:

    A foreigner who is married to an Israeli citizen or a permanent resident (who are not under a step-by-step process) and their minor children, who comply with the following aggregate conditions:
    1.1 The marriage is registered with the Population Registry.

    1.2 The center of life of the spouses (in the year preceding the submission of application to enter into Israel or during the year 2019):

    If the Israeli stayed in Israel 180 days and the foreign spouse stayed in Israel 90 days at least.

    If both spouses live abroad (meaning, they have not stayed in Israel as required in the previous articles) and the foreigner visited Israel during the three years preceding the application – the application will be submitted as required and after it is reviewed and approved, the foreigners will be allowed to enter.

    In the event that the Israeli is in Israel and the foreigner is abroad, etc. (see at the link).

  22. We can see already the predicament the world is in. Just finished typing my comment and when I got to the point of clicking the comment box so it can be published, it flew away.
    The evil is out of control.


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