31 July 2019

"To Be A Normal People In Our Land"

28 Tamuz 5779

This is the Noam Party's election slogan.  It focuses on the main assault being perpetrated upon the holy people today - the "normalization" of same-sex relationships. 

As is evident from our historical narrative, this corrupt behavior is a red line for the Creator of the World.  It was central to the destruction of the pre-Flood world and again, to the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah.  

During the Great Flood, the entire planet was essentially immersed in a giant mikvah and in Sodom and Gomorrah, fire rained down.  Water and fire - the two ways to kasher the impure. 

Both events stand forever as testimony to the seriousness of the consequences of turning a blind eye to this destructive campaign to normalize homosexuality. 

Some people like to point to occasions of homosexual behavior allegedly observable today among some animals as proof that this is natural and normal behavior, but in truth, it is a result of mankind's behavior which has negatively impacted the creation to such an extent, which is why, during the Flood, everything had to be destroyed.
"And God saw the earth, and behold it had become corrupted, for all flesh had corrupted its way on the earth.  (Bereishit 6.12)
Today, it comes to thwart the path to Mashiach ben Yosef, who, like his forebear, Yosef HaTzadik, will be a master of guarding the brit.  

It is no less a war than the one waged against us by the Midyanites, of which we only recently read.  We have to fight back and defend ourselves and then Mashiach will come and lead the war to avenge Hashem's Name!

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