20 June 2019


17 Sivan 5779
"...I shall put hooks into your jaws and bring you forth and all your army,...." (Yechezkel 38.4)
The race is on to retrieve the U.S. spy drone brought down by Iran
Analysis: Pieces of the world's most advanced intelligence gathering UAV are now lying at the bottom of the sea in the Strait of Hormuz; if the Iranians get there first, they could sell the technology to America's enemies and reverse engineer the technology, something they have done before

The MQ-4C Triton - the drone brought down by Iran over the Straits of Hormuz - is the naval version of the Global Hawk RQ-4, the most technologically advanced intelligence-gathering drone both in U.S in particular and the world in general. This is the first time that the advanced UAV has ever been intercepted.

...This of course will also interest China, North Korea and Russia, making the interception of the UAV an extremely serious matter indeed.

...Equally important, the interception of the UAV and the need to prevent it from falling into Iranian hands, as well as the need to take punitive and deterrent steps to the attack on their aircraft in international air space, could lead the Americans to send the USS Abraham Lincoln aircraft carrier and the massive naval task force accompanying it, into the Persian Gulf.


  1. Iran says ''ready for war''. https://www.news.com.au/world/middle-east/iran-reportedly-shoots-down-us-drone-as-tensions-rise-between-the-nations/news-story/38f6a24011454acbd2f5783bc0eff32c
