05 March 2019

"Are We There Yet?"

28 Adar I 5779

Have we reached the fiftieth level of tumah yet?

Women soldiers to have free access to 'morning after' pills
In order that cost not be a factor when considering contraception following unprotected sex, a special hotline will offer free, instant prescriptions for female IDF recruits.

Jewish Agency offers loans to staff seeking surrogacy abroad
For the first time in history, a state entity is offering its employees support for the extremely expensive procedure, which is denied to gay men in Israel by law

Israel's rabbi for same-sex couples
Tamar Gur Krause is a Reform rabbi with hundreds of marriage ceremonies under her belt; she believes in equality and love and the need for Judaism to develop and adapt to the times, rather than stay stagnant; 'I see myself as a bridge that brings people to a life of spirituality and meaning that derive of generations of Jewish texts,' she says.

The last thing she wants to do is to incite a war, but when Tamar Gur Krause, a Reform female rabbi, describes what sets apart the marriage ceremonies she conducts, she doesn't hide the fact she also officiates at same-sex weddings, and that in her opinion, the Orthodox wedding ceremonies seem like a parody of a prayer. And yes, she does know that there are many in Israel—and not just former anti-LGBT Shas minister Eli Yishai—who would be outraged and horrified by her words.

..."As far as I'm concerned, equality and love are far more important than something that was written in the distant past."

Jewish Couple Donates Millions For Christian Missionary Doctors In Africa
Mark Gerson and his wife Rabbi Erica Gerson will be giving $5 million over the next 10 years to fund Christian mission teaching hospitals across Africa.

"The Torah tells us, more than it tells us anything else, it tells us 36 times in various ways, to love the stranger," Mark told CBN News. "When my wife, who is a rabbi, and I think about how best we can discharge that Jewish obligation to love the stranger, we are drawn to the most effective and efficient way to do so which is to support the Christian medical missionaries who are providing care to the poor in Africa."


  1. The answer to your question is probably yes.

  2. Why are you asking if we reached the 50th level of tumah? It can't be more obvious. Now, we can understand that the state has sunk lower than the time we left Mitzrayim (they were only at 49). Hoping, in a strange way, that it's a good sign because now Moshiach MUst come!

  3. All news is good news..

    Sometimes what may seem bad is actually good and can ironically help people and we prefer peace and love over hate and vengeance but these individuals have problems and it is between themselves and the boss not other people

  4. "Love the stranger????" Doesn't that refer to righteous converts to Judaism? I am at the point of tears. So frustrated yet so hopeful that yes, this is indeed the push that will force Moshiach to come!
