"Egypt" Loses Its Power Over Israel on the 15th of Nissan

"...and on the 15th of Nisan they will in the future be redeemed from subjugation to exile.” (Tanhuma, Bo 9)

15 January 2012

More Final Messages

20 Tevet 5772

The last message from Daniel remains to be translated. It is very long, so I opted to post these two short ones which appeared at the very end of the final messages sheet.

Message from Areleh
Rosh Chodesh Tevet 5757
From the book “My Soul Knows Well 2,” page 129

Caution before a Disaster

Am Yisrael! The last opportunity is coming. When our warnings will cease – the end will be close - the end of your empty life. The truth will begin to be revealed little by little until those who are to survive the future events will be ready to receive the full light. Am Yisrael! Stop your foolish misdeeds. Love one another. Return to your Torah in purity. Draw near to your Creator!


“Like in the era of the prophets” - a message from Galia

My dear mother, the messages from the autistics and brain-damaged resemble the era of the prophets who warned and warned the People of Israel and later that from Heaven they gave to Am Yisrael a lot of time to return in teshuva for their sins and wickedness from their iniquities. The people erred to think that the words of the prophets were futile and empty and it’s not in their power to be realized.

When things happened and difficult troubles befell our people - destruction and exile - Am Yisrael understood that all the words of the prophets were truth, but it was all already too late! Because, the midat hadin had already begun to operate in the world and was unable to be withdrawn. So, the decree went into operation! It only remained to cry over Am Yisrael in Heaven and on Earth. There is some similarity to our messages – the brain-damaged. Soon, when they will see that everything happens and I wish it wouldn’t, then it only remains for us to cry and cry and to pray to our Father in Heaven to have mercy on us and to return to Hashem, in order to stop the severe Divine punishments from suddenly coming upon us.