18 September 2019

The "Pledge of Allegiance" of the Jewish Nation

18 Elul 5779

We've done all we could.  The rest is up to Hashem.  But, no secular anti-Torah (right or left) Zionist government will ever command our allegiance.

This is what unites Jews all over the world, no matter what country we live in...

שְׁמַע יִשְׂרָאֵל יְהוָה אֱלֹהֵינוּ יְהוָה אֶחָֽד
בָּרוּךְ שֵׁם כְּבוֹד מַלְכוּתוֹ לְעוֹלָם וָעֶד

Our first and primary allegiance is to Avinu, Malkeinu, HaKadosh Baruch Hu!

May He quickly send us our righteous Mashiach to rule over His land just as He rules in our hearts and minds!


  1. Dear Tomer Devorah, HE already did. Mashiach Ben David is already HERE. Working Behind the Scenes. Can we NOT already SENSE his Presence ??? Or, at this point, is that only for us AUTISTS ??? This Old Autist does not think MBD is ready to GO PUBLIC yet. Neuro-Typicals ("normal" People - WHAT is NORMAL about YOUR world ???) can hardly handle DAILY reality. How do you think they would handle an OPEN REVELATION of MBD ??? They might all end up in the Beit Cholim or Beit Kefarot !!! And don;t think I'm talking about the Goyim Worldwide, the Arabs, the Druze or the Chilonim. The REAL problem will be the "religious". HaShem is leading us SLOWLY out of our Mental Mitzrayims. Shana Tova, Aryeh Yosef Ben Meir

  2. I am one of an "elite" group of bereaved mothers. The club no one wants to be in. A group of us went to the Ohel Chabad this past Sunday to storm the gates as no one else could. My daughter's 4th yahrzeit is this motzei Shabbos, 22 Elul. I personally cannot wait one more moment for geula shleima and techiyas hameisim. If Mashiach is working behind the scenes, I wish he would come out of the closet already and get us out of here. Hashem can open our eyes in an instant. Those who can't get with the program even after all that is going on in the world, what will it take for them to get with the program, a little more time? What will change? If their eyes are closed, Hashem needs to open them. It is not world disasters that will do that. He is Merciful and does not wish to destroy. We all have to daven that He opens everyone's eyes NOW, b'rachamim. Please take in shabbos a little early l'iluy nishmas my daughter who loved shabbos, Kayla Rus bas Bunim Tuvia, AH.

    1. Beautifully written, Rachel. I will commit to bringing in Shabbat early for the ilui of your daughter's neshamah this week. May all your prayers be answered!

  3. Scary....let us hope Moshiah comes before catastrophe strikes! My eyes buged out reading your post!
