09 January 2024

Mashiach "Today"!!

29 Tevet 5784

Have you ever heard the old expression "running around like a chicken with its head cut off" [warning to the squeamish]?   When a chicken is decapitated, the body will continue to run around for a period of time.  This is how I view the Crime Minister, his War Cabinet and the military elite.  Their days are done, their careers are finished, there is no longer any place for them in the leadership of this country.  Hamas decapitated them on October 7, 2023.  The body just still hasn't got the message.  Trust me, it's a done deal.  They are history.

Ask anybody and you get the same answer.  A massive change has occurred in this country since the Simchat Torah Massacre.  The Jewish neshamot have suffered a harsh awakening, but awake they are and I daresay it will be quite a long time before anyone thinks of sleeping again.  You might even say that this awakening came with the dawn on October 7, 2023.  

Our Sages recounted that Mashiach would come "Today...if you heed his voice."  All we've been waiting for is a critical mass number of Jews to get on board the geulah train.  Now, it has left the station and we are right now en route to the Final Redemption.  Listen to this interview and witness for yourself one of the "helpers" of Mashiach Ben Yosef preparing the way for the soldiers who will finish this war under MBY's leadership.  May he be revealed today!!


  1. I don't understand this 800 Israeli citizens killed. We lost 1,200 on Simchat Torah alone. And since then we've lost Israelis in the north, like the guy that was part of the crew fixing the chashmal. And, I'm less optimistic about these headless chickens. I don't see them going anywhere fast enough. Plus we have to deal with the erev rav kingpin--Blinken-Blanken.

    1. Apologies for the misunderstanding.

      The 1200 figure includes soldiers who were killed in the initial invasion. Here they are separated out with the count of total soldiers killed. According to Alma, that makes a total figure now of 1310.

  2. Ah, that makes sense now. Thanks for clarifying the number.
