24 January 2024

Happy TU b'Shevat!

15 Shevat 5784

Many thanks to everyone who wrote to correct my mistake about the 45 days from TU b'Shevat until Rosh Chodesh Nissan.  It doesn't work in a leap year with two Adars.  I've been under the weather and wasn't really thinking clearly enough to be blogging.  Therefore, I'll be taking a bit of a break rather than risk more such blunders. Forgive me.

Kol tuv and happy Rosh Hashanah l'Ilanot!!


  1. Now that the Moshiach inspiration for the 45 days doesn’t count, please replace it with something else that’s very encouraging about Moshiach coming soon! It would mean a lot to all your blog readers!


  2. “Gigantic” waves swamped parts of a key US military facility in the middle of the Pacific Ocean last weekend, causing damage that will take months to repair, according to a US Army report.

    A video posted on X showed the terrifying surge of water rushing into a dining facility on Roi-Namur island, the second-largest island of Kwajalein Atoll, which hosts a US military ballistic missile defense test site in the Republic of the Marshall Islands.

    The rushing water broke down doors and windows and pushed furniture around the facility as it reached near ceiling height in the video. (Source)

  3. Israel Realtime Update reports: "Hamas says: The Israelis will surrender, whether it is the current government or next government because the bargaining chips in the hands of the resistance are strong. There is no government or prime minister that can avoid the matter."

    They, as well as the world, have a big surprise in store as the next "government" will have MBY at its head.
