18 January 2024


8 Shevat 5784

Until recently, our food sources were all from living things.  Living things, whether it be plants or animals, contain spiritual sparks which nourish the soul as well as the body.  Just like artificial intelligence, the powers that be have created "food" in their own image as well.  Perhaps it might one day be food for their robots, but it will never be fit food for the human being created in the image of G-D.

Permission for a “new food” product was given to Aleph Farms to sell its cultured meat in Israel.

In the past Singapore and the US have approved cultured chicken for sale, but Israel is the first to give beef the go-ahead. 
The ministry said the approval came as part of a pilot program for alternative protein carried out by the Department of Food Risk Management at the ministry’s National Food Service. It said that in light of the growing global demand for “products of non-living origin” it is working to approve alternative food sources.


  1. Not so long ago (a few months back if I recall) the OU gave a Mehadrin meat certification to one of these meat companies (not sure if this was the one), The OU has become highly questionable since some of the Rabbis from there were major spokesman for the governments Covid push. Whatever the risks are with this, it is definitely nefarious, and another push by the deep state to destroy the food supply, more of their plan against Anti Hashem and Anti Torah.

  2. Here is the link to the article - https://www.jpost.com/judaism/article-758249. It is a different company but similar product.

  3. Proud to be global leaders in the production of mad scientists and innovative suicides!
    Dean Maughvet

  4. Vibrationally, bugs are at a very low frequency and that is another reason for the push to eat them along with this genetically modified meat. The Evil Side wants to keep humanity at low vibration through any and all means.

  5. How convenient, my comment just flew away! They don't llike anyone standing up for truth. The world has gone down the road to the very
    abyss. Evil has been totally unleashed. This is a sign of Redemption
    being very, very close.

  6. Bibi thinks we are stupid enough to eat whatever fake bull he tries to feed us

  7. I am so blessed to live in this small kehillah, with our local butcher and where everything is l'shem Shamayim.
