10 January 2024

Divide and Conquer

29 Tevet 5784
Yom Kippur Katan

If a great many more Jews understood HKB"H's hatred of idolatry, as well as the nature of Christian idolatry, they would never have agreed to the situation we find ourselves in now.  

The Erev Rav have established two assimilation centers which provide gateways to the practice of idolatry in Eretz Yisrael and they are divided between Judea and Samaria.

There are no coincidences.  This is part of an ongoing plan to destroy Israel as a Jewish country and is being carried out on two levels: (1) physically to ensure Israel be a nation of all its citizens, and (2) spiritually to remove our Divine protection.

This is a globalist (Eisavian) plan, but it is being carried out with the cooperation of the Erev Rav.  We, however, do not have to go along with it.  Ignorance is our number one enemy here.  Pay attention!

Just after sunrise on a recent morning, Matilda Haggstrom was among about 200 Christians picking grapes on a hillside in the Jewish community of Pnei Kedem. During a short break, she looked across the valley to Hebron, mentioned in the Bible as the burial place of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and their wives. “Before I came here, these were just stories,” said Haggstrom, a health coach from Stockholm, who is here for the sixth time as a volunteer with HaYovel, a Christian nonprofit organization that helps Jewish farmers harvest grapes in the growing number vineyards in the West Bank. “But now that I have seen these places, it helps me see the past, present, and future. What we are doing here now is fulfilling a biblical prophecy.”


IDF and Border Police forces razed illegal settler construction overnight in the Pnei Kedem outpost in the Gush Etzion region of the West Bank, settler activists said Tuesday.

Six temporary housing units, including some occupied by IDF reservists, were demolished in the early morning raid, according to a statement from settler activists involved in establishing illegal outposts.

The demolitions ignited already tense discussions between far-right ministers and Defense Minister Yoav Gallant over civil affairs in the West Bank.
If we bring these Christian volunteers into our communities and they pray to and serve their idolatry in our midst, we have a share of their punishment in addition to the Divine retribution for disobeying clear Torah law against allowing idolatry to be practiced in this Land.  

Hayovel is more than a conduit for visiting Christians to pollute our Land with temporary idolatry.  It is a business which has allowed at least 75 Christians to live permanently in Har Bracha with a church on premises.  I shudder to think what is hovering over that place.

Remember those cowboys?  Well, they are finding work all over the country.  They are celebrities very much in demand.  Maybe they will never go home.  Maybe they will bring their clans to live here with them.

Hey!  Don't laugh.  I'm hearing people talk about bringing hordes of these Christian "volunteers" to replace Arab workers.  Hashem yerachem and give us the will to fight back and eliminate this scourge from our Holy Land thereby redeeming ourselves in the eyes of HKB"H!!!

From the haftarah we just read for Parashat Shemot (Yeshayahu 27:9 with Rashi commentary).  Was anyone paying attention?

Without teshuvah for this transgression, the suffering will continue.  It has to be done. Why would HKB"H give us more land and more settlement construction if we are just going to pollute it with more idolatry???  This is why the entire area of Yosh is in danger.  You want to secure it?  You want a future on it?  Repent this rampant evil across our Holy Land that WE are responsible for!!  Kick out the Christians and HKB"H will remove the Arabs.


  1. Here is a weird and little known thing. Islam came into the world to counterbalance Christianity. When it gained power, the world was out of balance. Again, in order to maintain balance, as Western Christian culture became more liberal, with anything goes, Islam became ever more "radical" and "extremist" in turn.

    Some really crazy Jews are suggesting to let the Christians proselytize the Arabs to wean them off Islam, as if that were some kind of solution to the world's imbalance. The only path to peace and prosperity is to bring the world back to ONE GOD, One Way to relate to Him, One Way to serve Him, and make His Name ONE. In the End, this is what will be. Christianity and Islam will both disappear from this world along with all other avodah zarah. Then there will be peace.

  2. THIS will blow your mind. (Hat tip Shirat Devorah)

  3. I would love to see these Xtians try pulling this stuff in Ramallah or any other Arab village, they wouldn't last 5 minutes. Regarding Pnei Kedem, now that you brought this up, we can clearly see Midah Kneged Midah. Sadly as I have stated before, people in this country don't realize that we are being ruled by Eruv Rav, not Jews. It is still totally shocking to me that a place like Har Brachah, which is considered to be the more "Shtark" yeshuvim in the Shomron, fell for this hook like and sinker, and they were welcomed with open arms. I told my wife that we can't go to that place as it now has a Tumah hovering over it. Hashem won't forgive for this!

  4. These rabbis did this by daat yachid. I don't remember any of us being asked about it. It was imposed. I remember that there were Har Bracha residents who opposed the xn settlement, but I guess nothing came of it. The website JewishIsrael, that has mysteriously disappeared, reported on their activity, and respected rabbonim approached the guilty parties, who apparently were not having any of it.

    AK is right, but what should you do if you already live in one of these places?


  5. The first thing that comes to my mind is how these supposedly religious rabbis could allow for a non-Jew with their avoda zorah to 'live' in the Land of Israel; which is a definite no, no according to Jewish law. We already deal with the erev rav government which allows anything, but that so-called Orthodox rabbis give it a hechsher, is not only pathetic but a real chilul H'.

  6. Here is more information, including photos, of the Defacto Christian Town in Samaria.

    Also in Hebrew. It is important to keep our Hebrew speaking friends in the loop. So much happens in English, with buzz words, and under the radar.

    Much of the misinformation about Christians is fed to rabbis by English-speaking collaborators.

    In order to combat this, we must get information to Hebrew speaking Jews.

  7. Rabbi Riskin appears to believe that 'Remarkably, the xns in many ways continued where we left off.'
    Note in particular how he cherry-picks the Rambam. The latter was absolutely scathing about xnty and islam. "And when Melech Moshiach will appear ... they will make tshuva and will know that they have inherited a lie and that their prophets and forebears lead them astray'. The Rambam, more or less.

    'Now that we as a people and a nation have returned to history, and the xn world is beginning to recognize the continuing legitimacy of its elder brother’s covenant, GRAFTING (my caps, xns love this idea) itself onto us as a branch is grafted to the roots, we must each complete our return to God, join hands and bring a religion of love, morality, pluralism and peace to a desperate, thirsting world.'
    Rav Riskin's words.

    R. Melamed has written about his involvement saying that his missionary friends are fulfilling nevuot, and claiming that they are not missionaries. And even if they weren't they are still idolators settling in EY, which is an issur d'oreita.

    It is a chilul Hashem, that these community rabbis imposed on us. They brought them into Jewish communities.


    1. Are you familiar with the Arugot Farm initiative?

    2. Unfortunately, vaguely, Gimpel and his 'gentile' friends. There used to be more missionary content on his site, but it seems to have been scrubbed. Ditto for a pdf on Rav Riskin's site setting out his new theology of Yahadut and xnty. Disappeared. Anyway, I'm not up to date on what is happening there.

  8. Rabbi(?) Riskin has been a renegade rabbi from fhe start. Why has he not been put in cherem and not allowed the title "rabbi"?

    1. That's my question and it applies to all these types.
