15 January 2024

"# Bring them home now???"

5 Shevat 5784 


  1. One thing we must bring out into the open is how our government system (not just the current government, but ever since the rising up of the Erev Rav state in 1948) sneakily makes us Jewish citizens its last priority when considering whom to protect and defend. Now I'm bringing a shocking question: Did you know that Yahya Sinwar, who heads up the Simchat Torah Massacre War, was the one in charge of the whole process of freeing Gilad Shalit? You read that correctly. He did it for the vast numbers of terrorists he wanted released in exchange.

    Myrtle Rising has documented this on her blog, and I have reposted it on mine. Former prison director Betty Lahat shatters the lies fed to us regarding terrorists, prison conditions for terrorists, humanitarian assistance, and the complicity of the media and officials in the intensification of terror against Jews is her original article. As of this writing, mine is my most recent post.

    Myrtle has a link to the post where she exposes who was the mastermind behind the release of Shalit, on his terms. I have included this link in my post as well.

  2. One of the most important and profound shiurim Rav Richter has given.

  3. Indeed, AK. What I posted above is a small, but important, part of the background behind what the Rav was talking about. I don't know whether he knows about it or not.
