13 July 2023

Catching Up: "Signs of the Times"

24 Tammuz 5783

For whatever it is worth to you, dear readers, I will seize this opportunity to share with you my take on where we are holding in the process of our Redemption currently.  In short, I have never been more hopeful or more certain that we have passed through the pregnancy and through the labor and are now well into the birth as the head begins to crown.  

Our righteous Meshichim are here among us in Eretz Yisrael.  Several fit candidates can be observed.  The birrur process of separating out those who will merit, through their faith in and loyalty to HKB"H and His Torah, to live in the Messianic Era and those who will not is nearly complete.  

All of our enemies stand exposed and vulnerable to collapse and judgment.  The gods of "Egypt" are falling.  The power of the Erev Rav to rule over us is in steep decline.  Many, many good Jews have had their eyes opened to the perfidy of the State and it's illegal institutions and are ready to seek out a better way - Hashem's way.

I expected Tammuz/Av to be highly significant this year.  These two months are associated with Eisav and the height of Edom's power in the world.  It's no coincidence that the US unleashed the nuclear option on the world in the month of Av (Aug 6/9, 1945 : Av 27/30) or that a $100 million, 3-hour blockbuster movie named for The Jew held most responsible for it - "Oppenheimer" - would be opening to remind the world of this fact on this July 21st - the 3rd of Av.

The two nations who appear to pose the greatest threat of nuclear attack on the West are Iran and North Korea.  

...Security concerns have ramped up on the peninsula this year after North Korea tested new weapons. The country also conducted a record number of missile launches in 2022 including ones capable of reaching US territory. 

...ICBMs are particularly worrying because of their long range, including mainland United States. 

When Pyongyang tested one in November 2022, it fired it at a high-angle, short-range trajectory. But this could have reached the US mainland if it were fired at a lower trajectory, the Japanese government said at the time. 

Wednesday's launch comes days after heated rhetoric from Pyongyang warning the US to stop its air patrols and proposal for a nuclear submarine to visit Korean waters. 

On Monday, North Korean leader Kim Jong Un's powerful sister, Kim Yo-jong, accused a US surveillance plane of violating North Korea's air space. She said if such flights continued, there would be "shocking" consequences.

Of course, this could just be empty threats as the West continues to maintain, publicly at least.

The matter of Iran is another issue.  This pot has been boiling so long that the water is all gone and the built-up heat inside is ready to explode.  Significantly, an announcement has appeared on Twitter.

There is great significance to this date as the "14 July Revolution" in Iraq on July 14, 1958 was meant to free Iraq of Western influence - a desire and a mission which Iran shares.  Also, it was on July 14, 2022 when the US and Israel co-signed a "pledge" to deny nuclear-weapon capabilities to Iran.

JERUSALEM, July 14 (Reuters) - U.S. President Joe Biden and Israeli Prime Minister Yair Lapid signed a joint pledge on Thursday to deny Iran nuclear arms, a show of unity by allies long divided over diplomacy with Tehran.

The undertaking, part of a "Jerusalem Declaration" crowning Biden's first visit to Israel as president, came a day after he told a local TV station that he was open to "last resort" use of force against Iran - an apparent move toward accommodating Israel's calls for a "credible military threat" by world powers.

If you are wondering why the US Embassy compound in Iraq would be targeted, just review what I wrote about it in 2014.  The State Department says:  

Iraq is now a key partner for the United States in the region as well as a voice of moderation and democracy in the Middle East. The United States maintains vigorous and broad engagement with Iraq on a variety of issues in accordance with the U.S.-Iraq Strategic Framework Agreement (SFA). The SFA covers a range of issues, including political relations and diplomacy, defense and security, trade and finance, energy, judicial and law enforcement issues, services, science, culture, education, and environment, and serves as the basis for the U.S.-Iraq bilateral relationship.

It makes a tempting target indeed. (See security issues here.) 

It makes one wonder, could tomorrow at 5 pm see the fruition of the famous midrash Yalkut Shimoni?

...And the king of Persia will go and destroy the entire world, and all the nations of the world will shake and panic and fall on their faces and feel contractions like those of giving birth,....

America's power must be removed before Mashiach can be revealed.  It's the next step.  Watch for it.


  1. From Israel Realtime Updates (Join in English WHATSAPP link -> https://chat.whatsapp.com/La86Tt6PrN5Cf3F1pN7bwB
    > Telegram link -> https://t.me/Israel_Realtime_Updates):

    — SPACE WEATHER ALERT for FRIDAY - G1 geomagnetic storm… Mid-day Friday there may be minor disruptions to cell service (possible unexpected disconnects) or minor fluctuations in the power grid (momentary brown-outs) due to a magnetic storm which is caused by a sun coronal mass ejection. Meaning the sun had a big sunspot that threw out some stuff, the edge of which is going to hit Earth and bounce around outside the atmosphere - causing some magnetic fluctuations around the planet. This is a minor category, systems and satellites are set up to handle it.

  2. I had forgotten all about this, but I've just been reminded...

    What is it that might really be coming at 5:10 pm on a Friday afternoon? See "It's Erev Shabbat!!" .

  3. Do you believe we could still be waiting until the Zohar’s deadline of 2030 for techiyas hameisim with Moshiach coming right before? Or, way closer for Moshiach’s arrival and much more likely in the next couple months?

    1. Question #1 - No. But that doesn't mean I can't be wrong.
      Question #2 - Way closer, maybe even a couple of weeks - "in its time I will hasten it." We fought a messianic war in Six Days remember? Once it gets going, it has to go fast or we can't survive it.

      As I mentioned in the blog post. The two Mashiachs (at least two) are here and active but still hidden as to their identity and they must remain so until our internal enemies have been neutralized.

    2. Moshiach can not come until our internal enemies are neutralized? I thought Hashem obligates us yo believe that Moshiach can come at any moment and at any day no matter the situation in the world.

    3. You are right that Mashiach could always come at any time, but not miraculously. It would still have to be in a normal way which would take some amount of time to unfold. If Mashiach had come sooner, it would have been because we merited it and Mashiach would not be facing a murderous internal enemy standing in his way, such as what we have with the situation of redemption in its time. Look at the streets in Israel. Look at the rhetoric coming over social media and the Jew-on-Jew antisemitism and vandalism of synagogues. In the situation we are currently facing, these people will never accept Mashiach as a leader. Look at how they act with Ben Gvir. With Mashiach it'll be hundreds of times worse. Hashem will remove this regime and those who so ardently worship democracy and pave the way through for Mashiach to take charge. That's what I mean by neutralize. Make them of no account - irrelevant in the end - powerless to stop him.

    4. I assume you mean miraculously on a national level, but the pain that righteous individuals are in physically and emotionally would end as soon as Moshiach arrives? Even if it takes some time for the self-hating Jews to accept that Moshiach has arrived and will take over as our righteous ruler.

    5. I mean Mashiach is not going to appear in the clouds riding a white horse and land on the Mount of Olives and BOOM it's all over but the celebration. There is some issue with the terminology. Mashiach has already "arrived." He actually has "arrived" in every generation just waiting for his moment to shine. He is here among us - NOW. But, until now, it depended on our merit, which we never managed to scrape together, to deserve Mashiach. Which means basically we were not, as a klal, of sufficient readiness to follow his leadership. Therefore, HKB"H never released him in that capacity. He did not achieve his potential. I don't know if I am explaining this very well.

      The difference between now and then is that Redemption was always going to come whether we deserved it or not. (Read that as whether we were willing to accept his leadership and follow him or not.) But, there is an expiration date on the world as we know it and when time runs out, HKB"H will call "Game Over" - the music will stop and all the righteous will grab the seats that their loyalty and faithfulness to HKB"H and His covenant have bought for them while those without seats will be culled out in whatever way HKB"H has determined. Believe me, they've been making it abundantly clear how much they hate the idea of living under religious law. They don't want to be here for Mashiach. They would (and will for a time) fight against him.

      There are many details about the process that we just don't know, but some things can maybe be extrapolated. There is no evidence to say that people will be miraculously healed when Mashiach becomes known. Rambam says no miracles will be involved at all, which makes one think that restored health will come about through natural means in a world where authorities and professionals can be trusted. Maybe the Book of Cures will be recovered and that will be put to use. Maybe people will have to make appointments to get their restorative treatments. Maybe it will all take some time just like it takes the body time to heal now. But there will be cures. And maybe someone will be responsible to see that the most urgent cases take precedence. We do know that techiyat hameitim is not instantaneous but occurs in stages over 210 or 214 years. Everything in this world is a process and we will still be in this world for awhile after Mashiach is made known to us.

    6. I thought the Rambam says that Moshiach himself is not obligated to perform miracles. Hashem can certainly choose to end all illnesses and suffering right away if he chooses so, especially for the righteous. Not all
      Illnesses and ailments are curable and I can’t imagine children or anyone still going for cancer treatments once Moshiach Tzidkeinu has arrived. There are so many prophecies throughout tanach that the sick will be completely healed.

      Is it 100% that the Zohar is correct that techiyas hameisim has to start 210-214 years before the year 6000? Because that means we have just about 2-6 years until techiyas hameisim and the world has to be perfected with a bais hamikdash before then for them to come back down to this world!

    7. The prophecies are that we will either live very long lives or there won’t be death at all. Most opinions seem to lean on the prophecy that death will be abolished forever. So we will certainly be here in this world of geulah for a long time after Moshiach arrives soon and we will only want to be in this perfected world filled with tremendous holiness and goodness.

  4. If anyone would like to join a WhatsApp group to receive updates on my analysis of the geulah process, please email me at tdnjslm@gmail.com.

    1. Will it be a group where only you can send messages or it will be a group for anyone to message with Geulah updates and discussions? There was a different Geulah blog that was discussing a Geulah group but glad you started one.

    2. Which way would you prefer?

    3. A group where anyone can message inside the group and find inspiration and support to get through these final moments before the Geulah

    4. That's what I originally envisioned. If I can't keep up with the volume, I could appoint more admins.

    5. Are you the same Devorah from the Shirat Devorah blog or is that a different Devorah? They were discussing a group on that blog recently

    6. No, anonymous. We are not the same person. I actually got the idea from the Machon Shilo Group and the Israel Updates Group. I thought that it might be a better way of sharing information than writing blog posts. Sometimes when an idea's time has come, it might arise from several sources at once. I'd be very happy to join someone else's group.

      I really was not prepared to re-open the blog like this. It takes up more time than I can spare. I've tried to send out things occasionally to an email list, but I'm not so satisfied with that as a solution since I usually don't get any feedback from that.

  5. I do not know if it is good or bad news, Medvedev former Russian President recently announced that 1 wrong step from the US and they will be ready to press Red Button. Russians just moved nukes to Belarus and it is All set up.


    1. I've been following all the back-and-forth about false flags and the Zaporizhia nuclear power plant, etc. I think Russia would nuke Poland or Ukraine or even the UK before it would take on America. Just my opinion, but I'm going by the reference in the Midrash to "Paras". What could they do that would lead to the destruction of the world and the elimination of our main "ally"?

  6. To Anon @ 9:23 pm. - As to your question if this Devorah is the same one as in Shirat Devorah. NO, Shirat Devorah's blog comes from outside of Israel. Chaya Devorah lives in E.Y.

  7. Devorah chaya can you continue to post on your website for those who can't download Whatsapp ? Thank you

  8. I can feel it in very deeply! Moshiach’s revelation is FAST approaching! Do not be surprised if he’s out by Tisha B’Av. All prophecies have been fulfilled. The evil and corruption in the world has been exposed enough. The time is NOW!

  9. Why would they announce an announcement of a siege? If they were to do anything, wouldn’t they not tell the public before?!

    1. I just did a Google search and all it is is a planned protest near the embassy. It this was such a big event, there would be more than 1 article on Google and a protest is just a protest. I wish how I could see a protest outside the US embassy in Iraq as a big step towards Geulah.

  10. Shavua Tov from Yerushalayim! May we greet Eliyahu HaNavi and Moshiach tonight!

    I was discussing with some family and friends over Shabbos about how we must be so close to Moshiach being revealed and bringing the Geulah and brought up the Zohar’s source that techiyas hameisim will either start by 5786 or 5790. It seems that people are skeptical because of past predictions by other great Rabbis. Can I tell them it’s a guarantee because the Zohar is the authority on all Kabbalah and any positive prediction he wrote must come true? For the most part, you don’t hear about it from many rabbanim except R’ Mendel Kessin and R’ Pinchos Winston. Either everyone else doesn’t know about it or they are skeptical even to trust the Zohar’s exciting prediction? We are in 5783, not far from the end of a motzei shemittah year. All the signs are here and Moshiach isn’t coming at the last moment in 5790 when techiyas hameisim starts. It has to be well before so the Geulah will be in complete mode for that start of techiyas hameisim by 5786-5790. Of course Techiyas Hameisim can possibly even start this year if Moshiach arrives any idea.

    I hope someone can give me some insight and encouragement on how to view the Zohar as a certainty vs. previous predictions about the Geulah that were by great Rabbanim, although not as great as the Zohar HaKadosh. I’m honestly very exhausted from this painful and bitter golus and just can’t wait until we see Moshiach revealed soon.

  11. I read that either Hashem will hasten the time of moshiach meaning we deserve it or Hashem will treat us with a lot of kindness and chesed. Sounds nice but I have my ideas about what it can mean. Malky

  12. Seems like the Geulah is delayed for another few years. Israeli government isn’t doing anything and nothing is happening with iran and the war in Ukraine. It could be “stuck mode” for a few years. Hashem have mercy and don’t let this bitter exile continue even one more hour.

    1. There is no basis to think so. On the contrary, we ahve the words of the prophet that when we reach "geulah in its time", as we clearly have now, HKB"H "will hasten it." The process will move quicker and quicker.

  13. The proposed "siege" remained a simple protest, but the government mounted a huge response ("security forces numbered 3000") in order that it not become something more, so that just goes to show that there was some worry on their part. Every single day, it seems, there is some potential flashpoint for an acceleration of hostilities between the nations or among the nations. The approval of the transfer of F-16s to Ukraine is just another example. It's close. It's very close.

  14. Just a few points, I believe that Hashem is already hastening the Geulah in its time because we are now 'in its time'. I also believe that the coming of Moshiach if it be ben Yosef, we will see him fighting our enemies from within and without, but the coming of Moshiach Ben Dovid will be miraculous. For his powers will be maybe even greater than Moshe Rabbeinu. We are now in the process time of Geulah and that is why everything has been so slow to come to fruition, but we or most realize how fast time is fleeting, even the planets are moving faster because H' is hastening everything. We have to remember that part of the nevuot is that after the coming of Moshiach (ben Dovid) , everyone will be healed, in other words, those without, c'v, limbs, those who can't speak, see or hear will all be healed just as we were at Matan Toraseinu. Why is so hard for people to accept that these miracles will be part of our Geulah which will surpass even the greatest miracle ever of receiving our Torah m'Sinai.
    I believe all the technology will eventually disappear as it is part of the western civilization which has caused so much harm in all ways, especially, our connection to the Almighty.
    Hopefully, we will usher in Moshiach much sooner than we even think.

    1. How will everyone be healed if the rambam says that the world will continue in the same way, with the same nature until the second stage of yemos hamoshiach (techiyas hameisim)? Won’t people still be sick and in pain when MBD arrives?

  15. Wow, am I late to this party, or what?! Welcome back, Devorah Chayah! And, congratulations on your new WhatsApp group. Please put me on it. I'll write you with my phone number, if you don't have it already from previous correspondence.

    I'm still catching up with your articles here.

    1. Thanks! All I need is an email from you to tdnjslm@gmail.com and I will reply with the link.

  16. Natural way means ''as it should be''. We don't live natural way now, it's ha olam ha sheker
