17 July 2023

Don't Be Afraid and Don't Lose Hope

 28 Tammuz 5783

Often, my mind wanders back down the COVID corridors of time and I always think about how the entire world was brought under control by FEAR.  And then I think about how Rebbe Nachman said not to fear at all; that this was the "main thing" - the ikkar - just not to fear at all.  And then lately, I've been thinking also about how they made this bold promise to the entire world:  "This is the new normal.  It will never go back to the way it was before."  And then, I see that this also was a tactic to demoralize us and make us feel hopeless alongside the fear - a double whammy - because they were unable to keep that promise.  

Therefore, to Rebbe Nachman's "just don't fear at all," I would also add to keep your hopes up, because our hope is in HKB"H and His love for us and His ability and willingness to keep the promises He made to us through our holy prophets - the geulah will come and we will be redeemed, no matter how long it takes.

Although my doom-and-gloom messages don't always reflect it, I tend to be overly optimistic in my assessments of current events, or maybe just eternally hopeful.  All of the evidence would seem to indicate that the covert war going on between the US and Iran will necessarily go head-to-head at some point.  Iran has tentacles extended in every direction.  They can choose to attack the US mainland or they can strike at their bases abroad.  I still have beloved family in the US.  I'd rather Iran stick to its own neighborhood, even though I live in it.  We have Divine protection in EY.  That's why I was hoping that the July 14th "siege" on the US Embassy in Baghdad would be their opening shot.  Too hopeful, I guess.

I think it is safe to say that Syria is likely to be the epicenter for whatever comes next.  Just look at the recent headlines:

The world is sitting on a giant powder keg and based on the Yalkut Shimoni - "Paras will go and destroy the whole world" - it's my opinion that Iran, while maybe not the one who lights it, will be the instigating cause for it being lit.  The prophet Ovadyah wrote:  "And the house of Jacob shall be fire and the house of Joseph a flame, and the house of Esau shall become stubble, and they shall ignite them and consume them, and the house of Esau shall have no survivors, for the Lord has spoken."


  1. We should fear only Hash-m. Thank you for another hopeful, level-headed post!

  2. Nice to hear from you again, I really missed your competent assessments and analyses.

  3. I heard somewhere (I don’t remember) that paras actually means Russia

    1. That may be. I don't know. But every source I have translates it as Persia.

  4. Russia and Persia share the same archangel Dobiel (bear angel),
    Both are a klipah (impurity)

  5. I am terrified for my family that is still in the US….there is literally nothing I can do to convince them to move. They have drunk the koolaid and are asleep and some of them don’t have the resources to leave and are stuck there. I just daven that Hashem protects them from the ensuing madness. Do you think we are safe in every part of Eretz Yisroel….they posted Tzunami warnings for the flatlands a few years back.

    1. HKB"H decides who will live and who will die and where and in what way. All we can do is pray and trust in His goodness and mercy.
