30 July 2023

Are We "Soft" Enough Yet?

12 Menachem Av 5783

Softening up of a Target as a War Tactic:  

In military parlance, "softening up of target" refers to the process of weakening or neutralizing an enemy target before an attack. This can involve various tactics such as bombing, artillery strikes, or psychological operations in order to weaken the target's defenses or morale. It is an important step in the overall battle plan, as it can greatly increase the chances of success for an attack.
Understand that it didn't start with this particular crisis - "The Judicial Overhaul Plan" - but for certain everything connected to it has come down to this...

A potential normalization deal between Saudi Arabia and Israel would require “significant concessions” to the Palestinians that are unlikely to be approved by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s hardline coalition, and could instead require him to seek the formation of a unity government, The New York Times reported Saturday.  
This is the big push now.  It's the main headline on every major news site this morning...
  • Times of Israel
  • Jerusalem Post
  • YNET News
  • Israel National News
  • The Jewish Press
  • Israel HaYom
  • Kikkar Shabbat
  • Bechadrei Chareidim
Their talking points:
  • A majority of the public polled says they want a unity government.
  • Netanyahu really wanted to compromise but his "hard-liners"/"extremists in the coalition" (take your pick) wouldn't "let" him.  (Solution - get rid of the "troublemakers")  
  • The US would be very approving of a unity government and stands ready to reward us with a "peace deal", no doubt starting with a great photo-op for Netanyahu in the Oval.
They are testing to see of we are "done" yet.  

But what they fail to recall is that We are a Stiff-Necked People.  HKB"H even says so.  But that quality can be a positive or a negative.  Depends on whether we are keshai oref to be loyal to HKB"H and His Torah or to rebel against Him.  

They really have no appreciation for what they are dealing with, not the least of which the Master of the Universe is on Our side.  They are like children playing with the Tsar Bomba.

"It will be a time of trouble for Jacob but from it he will be saved."  Our Sages said this means, the "trouble" itself will save us.  Around the year 2000, Ehud Barak, as Prime Minister, reportedly offered Arafat 95% of everything he asked for, but Arafat inexplicably launched the second intifada instead of taking the offer.  This is one example.  The trouble was very great and still is, but up to now, we are still standing.  

Perhaps, Iran will be the one to come to our "rescue" now.


  1. In Holland especially under the somewhat older generations there is a saying known as: 'Heintje Davids Effect'
    Heintje was a Jewish Cabaret Singer and she would always quit her career, only to make a comeback tour a little later.
    Just kidding, and current generations are into woke stuff I don't even want to think about. And you are not allowed to make fun of them !...Welcome back !

    1. Thanks! But it may be only temporary. We'll know soon.
