24 July 2023

Netanyahu Warns...

6 Av 5783 

Israel Is on the Brink of a Military Coup
by David Israel, Jewish Press, July 21, 2023

This is a must, must, MUST read article!!  No one can afford to miss out on this information!!!

The depth of the evil of these rashaim is on full display so you should have no qualms or feelings of regret when HKB"H metes out their just reward.  They richly deserve whatever is coming for them.

Please pass it on.  Thank you!!


  1. These demonstrators don't have a clue what they are doing. They have played right into the hands of the government and opposition and the Elites. All of the refusal's to serve, cries of threat to democracies, tearing apart society, all the hatred. It is exactly what they want before they swoop in with martial law. People need to wake up.

  2. Another term for what we are witnessing is "color revolution."

  3. Help me understand. Are we, Orthodox Jews, for or against the reform? How close does this chaos bring us to Mashiach? Thanks!!

    1. Anything the ruling regime does is irrelevant to us. That entire system is broken and nothing good is ever going to come out of it. The damage it has done over just the last 20 years is unimaginable. We have to be working towards replacing it with the Torah model.

      The chaos is an open invitation for our enemies to launch the expected war from which Mashiach will be revealed. So, any day now.

    2. Any day Moshiach will be revealed or any day for the expected war from the neighboring arab enemies, or Both? Also, will it be considered gog u’magog or just the war Inside Israel that you feel is needed for Moshiach to be revealed? I hope no Yidden are killed in the war

    3. to serious bible student: as far as I know, orthodox Jews are for the reform because in that way the anti-religious court will not be able to just override laws the orthodox jews vote in. However, Devorah Chayah is taking the more apocalyptic view that if things get worse, ie, riots, the secular not accepting the reforms, chas veshalom, that things, by hitting rock bottom (if they haven't already) may make it appropriate for moshiach to come. So I would say that most orthodox Jews would not intentionally make things bad for themselves to try to bring the moshiach and would thus vote for the reforms, hoping they will work out, but if they don't, then maybe we can console ourselves by pointing out that maybe that will bring the moshiach.

    4. Abigail, one can see by the reaction to even a minor attempt to reign in the power of the Erev Rav and the fear that they generate among the public at large when they hint at any threat to their secular "freedom" that they will fight Mashiach tooth and nail. Look what they did to Rabbi Kahane of blessed memory, Hashem avenge his blood. He was very likely the candidate for Mashiach ben Yosef in the previous generation.

      And it's not only the Erev Rav regime, but Jews like Korach and those who followed him, and Jews like Zimri who thought they were doing something noble. It's also the nations who want to continue to rule the world to the point that they are about to fight each other for the number one position. Mashiach represents Hashem's sovereignty and they will refuse to bow to it. All of the strength of the Sitra Achra will be arrayed against Mashiach. So how is he to come out into the open and begin to operate in the world in his capacity as redeemer?

      HKB"H sets everyone at odds with everyone else (wars) and under that cover, Mashiach can come out of 'hiding' as it were. HKB"H will remove the power from all those who stand in Mashiach's way. He will use Iran and the Arabs to take out the power of the Erev Rav and at the same time He will set Russia, the EU, the US and China against each other. This will be WW3. Within the chaos that follows, Mashiach can be revealed as he goes about the business of bringing redemption to Israel. When WW3 ends, the nations will finally notice what has been happening while they were otherwise occupied and then they will unite together to take Mashiach down - that's GoguMagog.
