31 August 2022


4 Elul 5782 

Politics dominates the news.  It can really spoil your appetite.  Such losers!  The number one concern of politicians is not the needs of the citizenry which they represent, but getting and keeping their seats!!

I'm so sick of their antics, especially Netanyahu.  At least the secular leftists and Arabs are honest about who they are and what they want.  I despise the hypocrites who pretend to be "right-wing" but who still carry out the agenda of "the left" (for wont of a better term). 

Netanyahu can approve expulsions and enforce building freezes, commit harlotry with Christian missionaries and defile God's name and yet still be lauded as a great "right-wing" patriot by the so-called "national-religious" types.  And, here he is trying to capitalize on bringing "unity" to Am Yisrael, having meetings and twisting arms, making the usual empty promises; however, it's only in order to return to power.  It's all about those 61 seats!  

Someone please tell me, what is he going to accomplish now that he never did in 13 years of hogging the power??!!  Why would anything be different?

Disgusting!!!  Despite all the appeal to "unity," which in any case is nothing but a fraud and an illusion, the birur continues as the real "religious" Jews - those of real faith and authentic Torah - are forced to divide over principles which cannot be compromised.  For their trouble, they are labeled "extremists" - the most hateful epithet anyone can suffer in today's world.  It means you are not worthy of life itself; that the world would be better off without you in it.  Watch your head, the next drone might be for you.

The trouble today is that the entire world, both "left" and "right" politically, has moved so far to the extreme left that the traditional center - that balanced place where the Torah rules with mercy and justice - only appears by comparison to be at the extreme opposite pole.

How can any person of real faith who believes in the authentic Torah participate in a system which summarily disqualifies anyone matching that description from the electoral process as a "racist" and "extremist?"  We are an oppressed minority with no right to representation within the current government system!!  The only choice we are allowed is dumb and dumber, evil and less evil!!!

I mean, think about it!  How can The Jewish State be headed by a treif-eating Shabbat desecrator??!!!  IT'S NOT JEWISH!!!!!  As a Jew living in Eretz Yisrael, I should have the right to insist that, at the very least, the leader of my country be observant of Torah law.  Jewish identity depends on adherence to the Torah!

Why would you cast a vote for someone who dismisses you and your right to live and be represented in your own country?  That's not a government worth supporting.  It's not even a government worth recognizing.  Of course, the system itself is fatally flawed.  But, so are those who are eligible, by their very lack of principles, to put themselves forward to run it.  

It's all a distraction, a side-show, a bunch of clowns cavorting with self-importance.  They have no real existence, no real substance, and certainly no real impact or effect on this nation's destiny.  Their pompous, self-absorbed speeches are like so many buzzing insects - annoying and irritating.  Give us a world free of political speeches and endless, useless, meaningless elections.

No matter what they think, no matter what they believe, no matter what they say or don't say, do or don't do, those who cling to this system, this process, will never be able to stop the earth-shattering change that is coming, when those who hate the system will be vindicated in their abandonment of it and delivered from its vile legacy.

Judgment Day Is Coming And It's Almost Here

For lo, the sun comes, glowing like a furnace, and all the audacious sinners and all the perpetrators of wickedness will be stubble.  And the sun that comes shall burn them up so that it will leave them neither root nor branch, says the Lord of Hosts. 
And the sun of mercy shall rise with healing in its wings for you who fear My Name.  Then will you go forth and be fat as fatted calves.  And you shall crush the wicked, for they will be as ash under the soles of your feet on the day that I will prepare, says the Lord of Hosts.  
Keep in remembrance the teaching of Moses, My servant - the laws and ordinances which I commanded him in Horeb for all Israel

Lo, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and awesome day of the Lord,....  (Prophet Malachi, chapter 3)

This World of Lies Has An Expiration Date

It's going to happen, no matter what.  The days of the wicked are numbered, including the politicians!  On that day we will truly and finally be an Am chofshi b'Artzeinu - "a free people in our own Land."

Ken, yehi ratzon!!


  1. Wow, excellent post! May that Awesome Day come very soon, with great mercy upon the Bnai Yisrael and the righteous. AMEN!
    How much longer can the world continue at this rate?

  2. On the election day ..... A huge gathering on Har Tzion and a CRY that will tear the skies : WE VOTE FOR YOU ABBA, forgive us please one more time because we forgot You, abandoned Your Torah and we turned to the vanities.... please send us a savior as you said....

    1. If we actually reach Nov 1 without Mashiach, please remind me about this so I can publicize it. Thanks!

  3. https://www.rivkalevy.com/pray-for-amiram-ben-uliel/

    1. Sorry I did not see this sooner, but you know, our desired outcome would have required an open miracle. He is a political prisoner and this is ultimately where they want everyone who shares his hashkafa. Hashem should give him the strength to hold on.

    2. A few people asked what I thought about the Pollard/Shaked situation. I needed some time to process it. At first, of course, I was upset because I already knew how she is. I also liked her at the start of her career, until I learned not to.

      Then, the quick turnaround, which I was thankful for, just seemed to complicate things further. Like why did it have to be? It disturbed my hopes for Pollard as a leader.

      But, it shouldn't have. Even Moshe Rabbeinu, the greatest leader we ever had, made mistakes in judgment. We are all just human after all.

      Ensuing events explain for me why it had to be. Shaked needed to be exposed and now she has been, in a fantastic way, so that anyone who would have innocently supported her has been forewarned. All kinds of people and stories have come out now. And I think it is fitting that Pollard be the vehicle for this revelation.

    3. Talk about revelations! I haven't trusted Ben Gvir since Dr. Michael Ben Ari, Baruch Marzel and Bentzi Gopshtein all got disqualified from being in the Knesset on charges of "racism," i.e. a Torah worldview, and Itamar Ben Gvir was allowed to remain.

      (Unconfirmed report) "In an interview to 103FM, Head of Otzma Yehudit, Itamar Ben-Gvir said he "respects" the memory of Rabbi Kahane but has moved away from his teachings.

      "I'm not Kahane," said Ben-Gvir. "I've said it time and time again. I'm against kicking out all the Arabs - just the terrorists and rock-throwers," he continued, adding: "I've undergone a change and am now appealing to a wider audience."

    4. Notice, too, that Noam, another Torah-based party, is not being asked to join up with Otzma Yehudit this time. (I have previously backed Otzma Yehudit, Noam and Yachad, Eli Yishai's party.) No one I respect or who represents my legitimate interests is allowed to run in a fair and open way. This is not democracy, it's "de-mock-racy." And I will continue to boycott this corrupt system and do whatever little bit I am able to stop its corrosive influence on our lives.

    5. Journalist Barry Chamish, a voice of truth, lost his credibility among the majority of people due to the hatchet job the government did on his character. But, like Rabbi Kahane (Kahane Tzadak), if you go back and read his books from the 90s, you'll see that Chamish was also right. See what he had to say about Ben Gvir: The 'spy' who sued me
