11 October 2016

A Special Message From Menachem

9 Tishrei 5777
Erev Yom Kippur

To Cry With Many Tears

FC with Menachem, Yerushalayim, Erev Yom Kippur 5777

Listen, this is serious. We don't have much time. The truth is, the time is finished, now we're going over to another era. By the end of the holidays, you won't be able to recognize the world, it has been a clear process. Listen well, we have to, have to return already in teshuvah. We need to run and shout and say: The evildoers want here, in Eretz Yisrael, to turn us into goyim, and not just goyim, but idolaters, into servants of Ba'al. Do you understand? There are things happening today, scary things, just like we've said, very scary, because they want to build a temple on Har Habayit, with a group of Xians, and with Chareidi Jews, and Religious-Zionist Jews, and secular Jews, and all types of Xians, and all kinds of Muslims, etc., one religion! Do you understand? And many of our brothers and sisters will go along with it! They'll go along with it, because they're stupid or simply Erev Rav.

Q. But Hashem won't let them...

A. Hashem will let them present it, and begin to gather people, because it is part of the birur, we need to know who belongs to what. And it's beginning, you understand? It's beginning. [Devash says: They'll twist the Torah into knots and say "we are fulfilling prophecy".] We need to say what we said before, we will need to fight for our Judaism.

Hashem have mercy on us, we will be very few compared to the population of the world, but we will be the ones who will survive, with God's help. Because the World to Come will be built upon those who survive. We have to close ourselves off like we said, inside our ghettos, and not allow anyone to disturb us. We have to continue to live a life according to the Torah, for real. And all the Jews need to unite, the real Jews, and live only in accordance with the Torah, according to what's written, and not introduce anything foreign into it, because now we're back under the control of Nimrod, and his goal is to war with HKB"H, she'lo neida, because he wants to arrive to Yerushalayim, heart of the world, and rule here, God forbid, and demonstrate to Heaven, so to speak, that he rules, God forbid. They want to fight against HKB"H, she'lo neida, and they are sure, with all their thoughts and their twisted knowledge, they are sure that they can overturn nature [Devash says: Like with three-parent babies and people who are both male AND female!], what Hashem created, to overturn it, so that they will be the rulers and creators and HKB"H will be - will not be, God forbid. They want to continue the war for years, they can't stand it that HKB"H brings good to the world, and they build for evil, they go completely against the Torah. They do everything the opposite from the Torah, therefore, they are completely evil, twisted, and they have to be erased from the world. But, we, Am Yisrael, have to prepare ourselves, to prepare ourselves, particularly on Yom Kippur, and also on Sukkot. On Yom Kippur, to request with weeping, with much weeping, that Hashem will forgive us from all our sins, and that we will recognize all our sins, that we will search for and remove it from before our eyes..., that we will see clearly that it is a sin and we committed it, we committed this sin.

We have to, have to cry and cry and cry, many, many tears, and then when Sukkot arrives, we need to understand exactly what it means to trust in Hashem, that we will sit in the Sukkah, that we will know, that we will think, that we will understand that we are coming now to difficult times, not easy like it was in the Midbar, but the most difficult, that it will look like the whole world is being destroyed, but slowly, slowly we will think, we will build within ourselves a trust of iron which none of the evildoers can break, not with fear, not with threats, and not with good.

We are the Jews, Bnei Yisrael, we are the beloved children of HKB"H. And that's everything.


There is more, but this is all I have time for before the holiday. With God's help, b'li neder, we'll finish it after Yom Kippur. Wishing you an easy and successful fast. Chag Sameach!


  1. G'mar Chatima Tova v Shana Tova... Also have an easy fast...
