02 May 2014

Discussion with Moishela: "Achdus Is To Be One With Hashem"


Discussion with Moishela (with his family)
A Handicapped child
24 Adar 2 5774 (March 25, '14)

Achdus Is To Be One With Hashem

I want to tell you something very important. I want to tell you that the only way that we are going to survive this terrible time before Moshiach brings us to the Geula Sheleimah is by having Achdus, and Achdus is to be one with Hashem. Those so-called Jews that do not want to be one with Hashem cannot have Achdus with Jews that have chosen to have Achdus with Hashem, His truth, and His Torah. The Olam Habah of Moshiach that Hashem has promised us will not be able to accommodate the Apikores the atheist the Erev Rav the Jew-hating gentile, the Amalak, the Helininst etc. Therefore I beg all true Jews to band together and separate ourselves from the evil ones. We must stop mixing with them because their distorted Judiasim could rub off on us and our very spiritual and physical existence can be endangered. We can be polite to them, but they are not part of the truth. We can't mingle with them because it makes us become like them. It rubs off and therefore this is not what Achdus is.

Achdus is to be one with Hashem. That means Am Yisroel must be one with Hashem. On Har Sinai when Hashem lifted the mountain over our heads and we said Na'aseh Venishma, that was Achdus. Only that Achdus will save us. Therefore I don’t know how many Yidden will be left to greet Moshiach. However those that will be left will be those that stood at Har Sinai, and said Na'aseh Venishma, and that is the true Achdus, and we will do the same thing. We won't be standing at Har Sinai, but we will be standing together and we will say again Na'aseh Venishma. We will say Shema Yisroel and we will be one, one nation together with the one and only G-d, the Hakol Yachol, the Ribbono Shel Olam and then we will be ready to become true and eternal Bnei Chorin.

I am very worried about Am Yisroel because I know that as of right now we don’t really have this kind of Achdus, Hashem Yishmor. Some of us have Achdus with the Egel HaZahav, and a bit with Hashem, and some have Achdus only with themselves and their desires, even though they are considered Chareidi Jews and dress like Chareidi Jews. Boruch Hashem, there are still some Jews that are really looking for truth and are trying to have this kind of Achdus. But the Frum society all over the world has broken up into groups. It's not one Am anymore. It's this one with this Rebbe and that one with the other Rebbe or with this Rav or with that Rav. Sephardi, Ashkenazi, Chassidish, Litvish, Taimani, etc. everyone with their own little groups and unfortunately those little groups have become the whole world for each one of their members, and therefore it's hard to have Am Yisroel Echad, and very many times in these Chareidi groups, their connection with the group becomes almost an Avodah Zorah, Shelo Naida. And therefore, there will come a time where all the Sheker will disappear and those who are seeking truth will come together Ashkenazi, Sephardi, Chassidish, Litvish, Taimani, etc. We will come together as one. Until that happens we can't have the Geula Sheleimah, but it will happen soon, and it will happen suddenly, but I don’t know how many will be part of that group that will enter into the Geula Sheleimah alive.

I cannot tell you how many nights I don't sleep over this just thinking how many Jews are going to fall by the way because they really don’t have the souls of Yidden, but Erev Rav. It's so hard to know who they are, especially if they are considered Frum Yidden. Still this is the fact and this is the way it is going to be. I have to remind you that it doesn’t mean that any Jew that Chas Vesholom, is Niftar before the Geula Sheleimah, is an Erev Rav. No we'll know at the end who the Erev Rav are and their death will be much different than a regular one.

But I cry at night many tears because I feel that there will be a comparatively few Jews that will actually greet Moshiach Tzidkainu. I hope and pray that I am totally wrong about this.

I want to say that I am so glad to have spoken today because I really was suffering last night. Tonight it should be easier.


  1. no offence but after the last time "moishela" said that moshiach will for sure come over pesach...that was when i knew that whoever this is...if it's even someone...he's just a fraud.

    Though the message often contains truth about the status of the jews, the moment there is a "prophecy" is the moment you cannot trust a word any longer.

  2. Genoism - "No offence" but Moishela NEVER said Mashiach was coming over Pesach. Whatever made you think so?

  3. What does he mean that people won't see Moshiach? Are they all going to be killed?

  4. Well he did say before pesach the world was going to change 180 degrees by pesach. I didn't see that happen.

  5. If you look at when the message was given, you will see something amazing. At Sukkot, he said this at the time that the US was poised to invade Syria and an ultimatum had been issued to Iran. "By Sukkot" everything had changed. No one was going to invade Syria and stop the gas attacks and suddenly Iran was in talks with the G-8 powers. A complete turn around.

    The similar thing happened at Pesach. When the message was given, we were on track to release 420 terrorists and get Pollard in exchange. The peace talks would continue on course. Suddenly, by Pesach, everything had turned around completely. Not only did we not get Pollard, we did not release any more terrorists and the peace talks were finished ahead of schedule. Abbas went to the UN and some were even saying Oslo was dead. It was a complete and utter turn around.
