21 Adar 5785
Erev Shabbat Kodesh
Parashat Vayakhel - Parah
It's not about hi-tech and luxury towers...
It's about the Third Temple!!
From the Stone Edition Chumash Commentary on Parashat Vayakhel...
In this Sidrah, Moses addresses the entire nation and charges them with the privilege of building the Tabernacle. ...Israel's ability to create a setting for God's Presence is a measure of its greatness and, indeed, a primary reason for its very existence. Its future history would revolve around its worthiness to have the Temple in its midst. When Israel was unfaithful to its trust, God's Presence would depart from the Temple, leaving it an empty shell, devoid of its holiness. Once that happened, destruction and national exile came quickly. The challenge of the exile is for Israel to return to its former estate, and thereby bring about the era of Messiah and the Third Temple. This longing is expressed in our daily prayers that God return us to Jerusalem and the Temple, may they be rebuilt speedily in our days.
Shabbat Shalom!
You're absolutely right! Besides, these hi-rise buildings and 'tech center'
ReplyDeleteof the world is an abomination. These tall bldgs. are really disgusting
and taking away the special beauty of Ir Hakodesh, Yerushalayim.
Hashem Yerachem; there's so much to fix. Where is Moshiach?