17 March 2025

Post-Purim Update...

18 Adar 5785 

[Scroll down and see at bottom for an update to the update!!]

The death toll from Sunday's "Inland Hurricane" tornado outbreak in the US has risen to 47.

Regarding the confrontation between the US and Iran, it's gone up to another level...

TRUMP THREATENS IRAN - "We will treat every additional shot the Houthis fire as if it came from Iranian weapons and Iranian leadership. Iran will bear the consequences, and they will be severe."

.. A short time ago, Yemen is reporting renewed American airstrikes. 

.. Houthis announce General Mobilization.

.. Analysts note, with the previous movement of B-52’s, the assets are in place for a major US action.

.. CENTCOM (US central command) says: The U.S. 5th Fleet has entered a period “sustained combat operations” in the CENTCOM area of responsibility.

.. US. Nat. Sec. Advisor: “Iranian ships providing intelligence to the Houthis are among our targets.”

(Israel Realtime Updates)

@ 9:45 pm March 17th

@ 9:55 pm March 17th

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