26 February 2024

Amalek Brings the Sin As Well As the Punishment

17 Adar Alef 5784

I wrote this late last night and saved it to this morning so I could check it by the light of day before sending it out.  Something I heard this morning makes me feel the need to add this note at the beginning...  

I'm still hearing people commenting about Christianity in ways that make it seem like they view it as, while not desirable, at least in some way superior to Islam.  I think that is misguided and therefore, feel I must reiterate - it's all avodah zarah and equally evil and worthy of eradication from the earth.  Furthermore, both sides are equally deadly and dangerous for Jews.  We don't take sides!!  We stand alone and apart with HKB"H and should have no feeling of kinship with either "side".

I hear the same thing in comments by so-called "Anglo" Jews, those I expect to know better, with regard to Donald Trump, like he is coming from some kind of moral high ground.  Nothing could be further from the truth.

Donald Trump may be the most dangerous man in the US for Jews for the very reason that he is perceived as a "friend" to Jews.  Please believe me, he is no friend, but rather a fraud,  He is potentially a worse enemy than the "godless Leftists," but that must wait for another day.  (Until then, sometime soon, please re-read here and here and here.)  So sorry to digress!  The following is the critical and timely message for today...

When renegade Jews birthed a new religion, which Eisav co-opted and called Christianity, HKB"H 'had' to allow Islam to come into the world via Yishmael as a counterweight to it in order to maintain balance.  They both run to the extremes and their respective extremes counter each other.
Our place in the greater scheme of things is to be the perfect balance in the middle where the Truth is pure and untainted.  There is no "extreme" where authentic Torah dwells.  "Extremes" come from the minds of misguided humans, from additions and subtractions to God's perfect Law as given at Har Sinai. (i.e., the "New Testament" and the "Holy Quran.")

“You shall not add to that which I command you and you shall not subtract 
from it, to keep the commandments of the L-rd your G-d...” (Deut. 4:2)

Behind the Scenes
What do you suppose would happen to the world should the stable, dependable middle suddenly give way and scatter in either direction to the extreme ends?  It would mean collapse and destruction, because the middle is the foundation upon which the balance stands.

The world is shaking right now, very unstable and unpredictable, because the majority of Israel fails to understand their place in the greater scheme and refuses to stand alone in the middle with HKB"H, upholding the world.  Without the knowledge or the faith to accept its destiny, Israel wants to lean on the Christian West, by which it causes the Islamic East to fear for its life and attack in response. Everyone erupts because they feel the shaking caused by the imbalance and fear drives everyone into a fight for survival.  

How This Plays Out
The decadent West favors idolatry of every kind and idolatry's natural partner is sexual immorality.  A perfect display of perversion was taking place at the Nova Festival on Simchat Torah/Shabbat last October 7th.  The balance was severely out of kilter at that moment, especially coming as it did at the conclusion of the entire period of teshuvah and judgment.  

It was extreme and its counter-extreme was a witness as it prepared to attack.  Who does HKB"H send when Israel chooses to engage with idolatry?

From The Book of Our Heritage by Rabbi Eliyahu Kitov for the month of Adar...
The Sages explained...the imperative to remove all traces of idolatry and to serve only G-d - this is incumbent on you [Israel] now and for all generations to come.  Have you removed the foreign gods from your midst? Have you brought yourselves under my wing and shattered all of your idols?  Let Amalek come and examine you.  If your hearts are completely with Me you have nothing to fear.  But if there is among you a man or woman whose soul still clings to the idols of Egypt and their abominations, let them [the idols] come and save you from the wicked Amalek!  The verse therefore states:  And Amalek came (Shemot 17:8) ... and he tailed after you [striking] all the weak who fell behind (Devarim 25:18).
And he tailed after you - R. Nachman explained:  All those whom the "protective cloud" cast out were caught by Amalek.  The Sages explained: This refers to the tribe of Dan who were cast out by the "protective cloud" because they were idol worshipers.  The idol which Michah had created was in their midst, and there were many among them who had not wholeheartedly resolved to serve G-d alone (Yalkut Shimoni, Parshat Ki Tetze).

And he tailed after you - Amalek was like a fly which hovers over any place where it finds an open wound.  When Amalek found a weak link in Israel, they came and waged war with Israel.

Sin and transgression - these are Amalek's strengths. Amalek is the cause of sin and through Amalek punishment is meted out. This is the manner in which Satan acts.  He first creates a stumbling block for man, ascends to G-d and accuses him, and then descends to carry out his destruction.

History Repeats
According to many headlines in the media, Amalek was very much on the minds of people all over the world in the wake of the invasion and attack by Hamas on October 7th.

  • "Comparing Hamas to Amalek, our biblical nemesis..."
  • "From the Battle of Amalek to the war with Hamas"
  • "PM’s office says it’s ‘preposterous’ to say his invoking Amalek was a genocide call"
Eyes opened up wide and Amalek was perceived in Hamas and its attack, but wait.  There is another, seemingly forgotten, side to Amalek.  We hear it though when people say "Hamas Nazis."  But, Hamas is on one side and Nazis are on the other.  Hamas comes out of Islam and the Nazis come out of Christianity.  (Which is evident in the name of the American Nazi movement - Christian Identity.)  Here is the mostly unknown fact which has been obscured:  "Amalek is the cause of sin and through Amalek punishment is meted out."  This tells us that the two furthest extremes which we are caught between are both Amalek!  

The Amalek of Christianity causes us to sin through idolatry and association with idolatry which brings upon us an attack from the Amalek of Islam in retribution.

This is the basis for some panic and concern about another October 7th (God forbid!) in Judea and Samaria because the Christian Amalek has actually taken up residency among us in this Holy Land and has been rooted and nourished into a thriving entity over the last 20 years by JEWS!!  Again, we are dangerously out of balance and Amalek is poised for an attack against the yishuvim where the Christians have been welcomed!!  

In the South of Israel, too, among the kibbutzim which now lie in ruins, these same Christians were welcomed and celebrated for years right up until just a couple of days before the attack was launched.  (Replanting hope: Christians to plant 1,400 red tulips on Gaza border)

Separation Is the Key to Redemption
If the Islamic Amalek invades the yishuvim in Judea and Samaria (God forbid!), it will be in response to the Christian Amalek presence there.  If you want to save the yishuvim, the Christian Amalek must be expelled.  The Torah is very clear about what we have to do about idolatry in the Land.  Here is a reminder from above...
...[it is] imperative to remove all traces of idolatry and to serve only G-d - this is incumbent on you [Israel] now and for all generations to come.  Have you removed the foreign gods from your midst? Have you brought yourselves under my wing and shattered all of your idols?  Let Amalek come and examine you.  If your hearts are completely with Me you have nothing to fear.  But if there is among you a man or woman whose soul still clings to the idols of Egypt and their abominations, let them [the idols] come and save you from the wicked Amalek! 

Witness this act of idolatry which was carried out very recently by a Jewish heretic in Shilo in the area where the Mishkan stood.  This type of activity is rampant in these areas!! 

There is no more time to waste! At this point, there may be no more time!! Hashem yerachem!!!


  1. Thank you for another great post. If the Simchat Torah massacre taught us anything, it should be that we need to separate from everyone and rely only on ourselves. It is tragic to see how Israel has become influenced under western immorality, the joke of us being the 51st state of America actually has much truth to it. The goyim know this and have used it to our advantage. I actually at one point believe the opposite that the Muslims were preferable to the Xtians because at least they were also a monotheistic religion, but they are both Amalek, the Muslims want to physically destroy us, the Xtians want to do it spiritually. Hopefully with Moshiach's impending arrival the birur will become clearer and clearer to many.

    1. Rely only on Hash-m.

    2. Hi Hashem just means the name . It’s not a holy word or name itself There’s no reason to hyphenate it. If I’m not mistaken. Malky

  2. So frustrating that Jews cannot see all of this. (heavy sigh).
    Here is the video in which Trump's son-in-law, and head of the Abraham Accords, welcomes any Arab who wants, to come to the Temple Mount.

    Here is the outline of the Trump's Plan, which includes Israel's relinquishing of land. My prediction is that if gets re-elected, he will change his tune, saying that the Arabs had their chance and blew it. Edom will swoop into "save" us, and obtain even more influence within Israel. May God forbid!

  3. Well written and conveyed. The above is the most important message Jews worldwide, including and especially in Israel, in respect to Mitzvohs "Bain Adam LiMakom". In other words. "Ayn Od Milvado".

    may I add....240 original hostages taken. 240 Gematria AMALEK

    As we get closer, the Signs get clearer.


  4. Amen to all the great comments! Thanks so much for writing!!

  5. Excellent article - keep 'em coming!

  6. Did you make this tape??

    Did you actually hear their words??

    Cannot find it anywhere else on Youtube.

    1. I edited this video from clips out of the original.

  7. Here in another video Carolyn Hyde describes worshiping in Shilo https://youtu.be/FmYXCLAVf-A?si=fy6KaeI9Uv25OW7i.
