01 June 2022


2 Sivan 5782
47 Days of the Omer

What you saw in the previous post, that was a picture of Jewish unity.  What you see in this one is the work of the Erev Rav - cavorting around the golden rainbow calf, siding with our mortal enemies...  The Master of the World knows how to distinguish between the two.  The time for "Havdalah" is almost here. 




The "Pride" Parade will desecrate our Holy City tomorrow afternoon beginning at 3 pm, chas v'chalila, unless Mashiach comes first.  It runs from Liberty Bell Park up Keren Hayesod St, past the American Culture Center to Independence Park which sits across from the American Palestinian Affairs Unit which Biden wants to turn into the Consulate for Palestine.

There is a very deep reason why it happens davka here.  You do realize that these 'events' started in America and were then exported all over the rest of the world.  Not only that, all the land in that area of Jerusalem is owned by The Church!

We will never be a "free people in our own land" until America has no more power over us.

See related:  Death Threats Sent to Jerusalem ... Pride March Organizers
"...In the last 24 hours I have been receiving a particularly unusual amount of hate messages, some of which include explicit and indirect threats to harm me and the marchers in the Pride marches," tweeted Lahav Hertzanu on Wednesday.

..."The Labor Party supports the faction members, Gilad Kariv and Naama Lazimi, who are under threat following the faction's intention to participate in the Pride Parade in Jerusalem," said the Labor Party in response to the threats sent to its MKs. "The Labor Party will march proudly and fearlessly for freedom, love and equality. We invite everyone to join us."

..."I will march tomorrow with pride in the Jerusalem tolerance march and I invite anyone who the subject is important to to join. Threats and violence will not deter us," said [Welfare Minister Meirav] Cohen.

...Opening events will begin at 4:30 p.m., with the reading of the Wayfarer's Prayer [Who do they think is listening????!!!] and speeches by politicians, including Transportation Minister Merav Michaeli, Health Minister Nitzan Horowitz and Welfare Minister Merav Cohen. The ambassadors of Canada and the Netherlands will also be present.


  1. There should be a gathering of as many as possible righteous Yehudim praying for the sof of these amaleikim and it should be at the Kotel, showing H' our dedication to HIM and praying for His Mighty response to this chilul H'.

    1. There are people who gather at the Kotel to pray. Bentzy Gopshtein's Lehava group also does a protest across from Liberty Bell Park, usually near the Begin Center, and the Noam Party usually has a counter-protest at the Strings Bridge. Sorry, I have no firm information on the subject this year, but there is usually something for everyone. It's important to understand that this group seems big because it is so loud and noisy and in-your-face. The vast majority of the public is opposed to it. They just need courage to speak up. They are afraid of being labeled a hater, a phobic person, a racist, an extremist, etc.

  2. These are the minority of minorities worldwide, but they have lots of power because the worldwide mainstream media has put out for the last number of years the narrative that puts fear into the people who are afraid of being called all kinds of names and haters and it's all backed by the global elites and their minions. The biggest problem is the media is owned by them and have the greatest influences, especially on the ignorant/uninformed public and, of course, the millenials who are literally programmed at their universities.
    They are all G-Dless and cannot think for themselves.
    Afraid only Moshiach will be able to undo this insane damage.

  3. That's the zionists work, the zionists brought all that: atheism, gay prides, importation of goyim, dejudaisation of the jewish people, rights to the Arabs etc.I also forgot to mention the death injections and the kidnapping of the yemenite children.

  4. No Buses on King George & Yafo @ 3:40. If People knew who did this they would really be upset. I took me 3 Hours to walk home.

  5. I am an orthodox Jew that was born and lives in America. I agree 100% that all this gay pride nonsense is a result of America. What I don't understand is how many people living in Israel always bash America ( I am not at all defending America, I just want to make a point) but when the Rabbis need money they all come to America to collect. Its kinda like most yeshivas are against texting and instagram but when they need to make a fundraiser or make a chinese auction first thing they do is text or post. Its very hypocritical. I also think it is a Huge lack of Emuna & Bitachon.

    1. Hashem gives more money to some and less to others, why? So that those with more can give to thise with less. If those with more begrudge those with less and don't distribute Hashem's bracha then the bracha will cease. If jews in america refuse to go to our rightful homeland in israel as Hashem commanded, Hashem clearly wants to give them as many lesser mitsvot to do as possible so they won't be totally without merit. How is it hypocritical for jews in israel to try helping those in the states to perform a simple mitsva of sharing Hashem's monetary bracha. It's the VERY LEAST they could do.

      - The Original Me

    2. Your first line is your problem....how can you be an orthodox Jew and not realize you are not an American...you are a Jew living in a foreign country...All Jews are Israeli...just displaced and living in exile. America is NOT your home. Wake up! You are lucky you are being seen as worthy by the master of the world that you have enough merit to support those who live in Eretz Hakodesh.
      I dont want to hurt your feelings but I would like you to wake up and realize you are in exile when you should all be coming home

  6. The "bashing " is to the isurim and usually 3 taivos (illicit relations, food, money) irispective of the u.s. or the so called erev rav medina.

    Collecting money for a mitzvah is the side of kedusha and H' blessed many in the u.s. with allot of money to do many mitzvas.

  7. to nothing, I never said my home is America. We are all in Galut until Mashiach comes ,including living in Israel.

    1. The Zohar HaKadosh says the following regarding the subject of living in Chutz LaAretz. "Behold, he who doesn't live in Eretz Yisrael is called by the sages as, "One who is as if he has no G‑D." (Ketubot 111) The reason for this is simple. Every Jew's soul emanates from a holy place, and therefore the k'lipot really have no real power to rule over him. That is derived from the verse, "For G-D's portion is His nation." (Devarim 32:9) They are G‑D's portion, not the portion of angels. Therefore the ministering angel of his country has no real power over him, yet the Shechinah is not resting directly upon him either. This is because he is engulfed by the depths of the sea of the k'lipot that is in the contaminated airspace of his foreign country. Therefore he is considered to be without G‑D. It is certain that his Neshama, Ruach, Nefesh, and Body are totally enclothed within that contaminated airspace. Therefore all his Torah and mitzvot aren't totally pure, for they too are enclothed by the forces of that contaminated airspace of Chutz LaAretz. If that is not enough, even when he dies and his soul leaves his body, his Neshama can't rise up in absolute purity, for it is enclothed by that k'lipa. Aside from that, the soul must go through a rolling process until it finally reaches the airspace of Eretz Yisrael. Only from there can the Neshama ascend to the Garden of Eden. This we know from the sages' statement that "the entrance to the Garden of Eden is through the Cave of Machpela [in the holy Israeli city of Hebron]." (Zohar Chadash Rut) From the earthly Garden of Eden the Neshama ascends to the heavenly Garden of Eden."
