07 June 2022

Revisiting the COVID Response

8 Sivan 5782 

This is a very interesting, but also very critical, interview to hear.  I highly recommend listening, without bias and without distractions, to the very end.


  1. Very interesting but by now, hope most of your readers and our people in general know all this. The interviewee, as a liberal, knows this, and is answering very nicely.. If most of humanity has not become aware of this by now, they surely are asleep or of the same mindset as the perpetrators (true amaleikim).

  2. I listened carefully to the video. I'm happy to know that some liberals haven't forgotten what "liberal" actually means; also that it's possible to avoid the pitfall of groupthink in the process. One has to be careful.

    Is it possible to come to the truth about G-d from his direction? I'm watching, with uncertainty.

