26 February 2020

"In the Perspective of the Jewish Idea"

2 Adar 5780

Guest Post by Yekutiel ben Ya'akov:

Corona Virus – The cause and the cure. Trump Plan, Temple Mount, and More.

Jewish Law obligates every Jew to research the cause of natural disasters, plagues; even those disasters that hit far away gentile nations, not to mention global crises that affect every human being on the face of the earth, including severe potential harm to Jews worldwide. In fact, we are required to fast, pray and contemplate what we must do to correct the ills that have triggered this Divine punishment. The Talmud in Yevamot (63a) says any significant world event and tragedy is really meant for the Jews. G-d, in His infinite mercy gives the world and the Jewish people an opportunity to prevent the further spreading of tragedy by correcting our ways and repenting. Punishment is a reward to those who have the eyes, humility and heart to make the necessary changes, in order to stop the suffering. Those who believe in G-d and in the truth of His Torah, believe that G-d is not a liar, who promises reward and punishment to man based on his deeds.

The Rambam (Taanit 1, 3) and Shulhan Aruch, (Orach Haim Taf Kuf Ayin Vov, paragraph 2) quote the Talmud and the biblical verse (Vayikra 26, 27) and go as far as to say, that those who refuse to see the hand of G-d in natural disasters, plagues and such, and who think that it is all coincidental, refusing to mend their ways, are guaranteed more tragedy and more such coincidences.

Thus, it must be easy enough for man to connect the dots; connect the punishment to the crime, so as to be able to understand what has brought the wrath of G-d upon us, with this horrible epidemic. Otherwise, how can we be expected to know how to repent? What specific sin or set of sins causes any given disaster? We Jews have 613 commandments, and the gentiles have their seven Noachide Laws. How do we know how to correct our behavior, if we don’t know what particular behavioral flaw needs most correcting? Surely there are many laws which most of us violate. Therefore, we must objectively seek the Torah solution which can be done in cases where the sin is blatant and evident, particularly if the Torah gives us a specific warning to beware of a specific punishment to those who transgress on that specific commandment. In many cases it might not be spelled out that clearly in the Bible, and we may need to look around us, to see the obvious answers and clues. Sometimes, the punishment is so similar in character to the sin, and screams forth, “measure for measure”. 

Regardless, G-d is not arbitrary and cruel and the clue must be apparent to those who truly seek to find G-d’s answers. Just as G-d dishes out the punishment, He also creates visible clues for all to see. Jews with eyes, who refuse to see, will helplessly and blindly stumble upon the clues, like blind fools.

Find here some ideas, food for thought:

What is Corona?

Corona – in Hebrew spells Kra Na El Hashem = Please call out to G-d

Corona connection to the Temple Mount.

Corona means crown. The crown and heart of the Jewish people is the Temple Mount. The mount is being surrendered to Arab control under the custodianship of the Jordanians and the Islamic WAKF. Let us not forget that our sages teach us that one of the reasons for the miserable plague during the time of King David that killed ten’s of thousands of people was due to our sin of not building G-d’s Temple on the mount, the Beit HaMikdash. G-d’s palace. G-d’s crown is not whole without His palace, on Judaism’s holiest site. It is no coincidence that Corona hits the headlines and breaks out on the very days that the headlines burst forth words of accolades by Jews who were overwhelmed with joy to embrace the Trump plan. For the first time, there was an unprecedented and historic surrender by Jews of our sovereignty on the Mount – God’s crown. The Trump plan goes as far as to invite a billion Moslems to come and worship on the mount. Jared Kushner made this argument in his effort to sell the deal to the Arabs. For the first time ever, Moslems worldwide will be welcome to come on their pilgrimage to Jerusalem.

If this plague bares any resemblance to the one that afflicted King David’s empire, then it will only be cured when the Jews assert their sovereignty on the mount and commence the building of the third Temple.

Corona’s Hebrew root Kore or Kere means, among other things, coincidence, calling and name.

Corona = same root as Kerre, literally translated as coincidental happening usually used in halachic liturgy in a derogatory manner to define/describe man’s refusal to recognize divine punishment or one who sees natural disasters and plagues as nothing more than arbitrary coincidence, or as natural course of events.

Inherent within the very name of the virus is the concept that we must delve into the cause and seek to repent.

Similarly the Zika virus, which in Hebrew means, cause or connection…

Carried by a bird rat – bat. A bird that is really a rat. That is essentially a blood sucking mammal.

The very same time that our good friend, Pres. Donald Trump finally unveils his long awaited deal, the virus breaks. The deal, is nothing more than a fake peace deal. The bat may look like a bird, with wings, but it is a fake bird, that will ultimately suck our blood.

The atalef which means bat in Hebrew comes from the same root as the Ayit, which is an eagle or vulture. They “at” on their prey below. The eagle is the symbol of America. The Ayit – has the same gematria as Trump. Trump deal and in Corona is the same gematria.

Isolation is the only solution.

No coincidence that the headlines blared in stereo – Corona and the Trump deal.

There is no known medical cure to Corona as of yet. The only thing that could stop the spreading of corona is isolation.

Isolation of Israel is the only solution for Jews who wish to bring salvation and redemption upon Israel. Faith not in Trump but in the G-d of Israel. In fact, as the Talmud teaches us, Moshiach can only come when the Jews rely on G-d and know that it is He who brings them salvation and not the aid of any given ally or superpower.

The embrace of the Trump deal and the timing of Israel’s stalled implementation of the annexation frills, are all centered around Israel’s obsession with world opinion, particularly Trump’s opinion. The antithesis of the remedy to exile and darkness is represented in this deal. The opposite of isolation is Bibi’s prime selling point of the deal as well as his great “accomplishments”: look how the world now loves us and recognizes our rights.

Other vital lessons to learn from the outbreak of Corona:

Man is vulnerable. When tragedy hits it takes down the good with the bad. It is hard to conceive the speed and intensity. Those Jews who live abroad need to contemplate the following realities:

Flights are easily halted. People are left behind without ability to come home to Israel, in time. Somehow, many anti-Semites are effectively linking Jews to Corona and blaming the Jews.

For the Jew in Israel who seeks to find health, wealth and happiness abroad, you may find yourself trapped in danger.

It is no coincidence that atheist communist China was hit first – largest most dense population of kofrim! So much of the global economy is affected by China’s lockdown.

Most outstanding for violating one of the 7 Noachide laws, as they are accustomed to literally eating limbs and parts of live animals, not only bats.

Corona = gematria b'sheva = in Seven. Seven laws of Noach. Seventh day – Shabbat.

Also HaCorona -The corona in gematria equals B'Ramim, that Hazon Ish translates to mean diseases. The gemara teaches us that The Ramim come to straighten crooked hearts…

Israel, have faith in G-d and not in Trump or any other man. Israel, a nation that dwells alone.


  1. Can you illustrate/spell out the various gematrias mentioned please?

    1. I contacted the author, but so far, through no fault of his, I have been unable to confirm. Will let you know as soon as I do.

    2. For myself, I could not make a match between corona and b'sheva...

      קורונה - 367
      בשבע - 374


      הקרונא - 362
      ברעמים - 362

    3. My 10 yr. old grandson came home last week with a good one from a friend of his at cheder:

      !!!קורונה = משיח בוא

  2. YAS (Yes As Usual)

  3. Nothing will come of the 'deal'. We are constantly being tested. I even believe that Trump knows nothing will come of it. H' is in control.

  4. The plain truth is right in front of us. It is one thing to prepare and do our part in stocking up for a quarantine, but we must also cry out to Hashem.

  5. Days of darkness. We knew this was coming. Now that it is here, why are we suprised?!

  6. Began with sefer Shmot(names), but rather read it as Shammot(destruction). Then a set of Parshas known as Shovvavi"m(naughty children)thru Shevat(rod of punishment as in Psalms:23,(Thy rod and and Thy staff).

    Latest news: brake out in Iran is a mutant strain contains
    The permutation of Hashem's name (found in most siddurs)for chodesh Adar is HHI"V-the HIV.

    מי זה מלך הכבוד? Why is that a question? Because ask the 70 nations you'll get 70 wrong answers, but now the Kaddosh Baruch Hu reveals His true name and the nations are in a turmoil(Psalms:2).

  7. Isn't it interesting that the two countries with the highest rates of corona are China and Iran? China is one of Irans biggest suppliers of weapons.

    Hashem is fighting our battles for us.

    1. I just heard that coronavirus is an anagram for carnivorous (one who eats everything)!!

  8. Anon @3:04 pm - True! Those who want to see, see the signs.


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