18 February 2020

Another False Religion Rears Its Ugly Head

24 Shevat 5780

The pitiful Christians keep reinventing themselves in order to attract Jews to their cause.  Here is just the latest attempt - a variation on the Erev Rav's assimilationist, Zionist-centered Judeo-Christianity.

"...Our hearts are to see friendship and cooperation built between Jews and Christians and we believe Biblical Zionism is the way to our collective better future."
And who is promoting it but Har Brachah Rabbi Eliezer Melamed's favorite "righteous" gentiles - Waller Family and Friends of HaYovel fame.

Lacking any leadership on a par with our Rambam, they had to invent their own "Thirteen Principles."  And why...?
"In recognition that world peace is impossible without peace first between Christians and Jews, we lay forth these principles which can serve to unite Christians and Jews on grounds held common by all Biblical Zionists."
Unfortunately, having only really known the "Messianic" houses of avodah zarah and having only learned at the feet of the Erev Rav "Jews", they are so ignorant of authentic Judaism that they have no clue about the unbreachable chasm that divides real Jews from them.

Many, many well-meaning, self-described Orthodox Jews, especially in Judea and Samaria, are all in with these so-called Christian Zionists.  Many share in the crimes of these missionaries to assimilation as they have gone so far as to welcome them into their homes, give them jobs and help them to establish domiciles (a foothold for the future) in our Holy Land.

If you never get anything more than this, then this will suffice:  they are not your "friends;" they are an intractable foe!

We need to recommit ourselves to spreading this very message and reinforcing it at every opportunity - that there is no equality and no common ground whatsoever between Christians and Jews.  Judeo-Christian "Biblical" Zionism is just another false religion which will go the same way of all false religions while those faithful to the covenant of his fathers will stand forever.


  1. Of course, it's all avodah zorah. Trouble is if it were not for the Erev Rav leadership who have this partnership with them, they wouldn't have had a foothold in the Land. To boot, you have these phony 'religious' so-called Jews who have this 'friendship' with them, like the Wallers. The greatest problem is that a great number of the secular Jews know nothing of Torah and easily fall prey to their propaganda. From what I've read and heard about the public schools, they have no Jewish curriculum but have a 'pluralism curriculum', r'l, the evil work of the Reform movement. We pray for the end of all erev rav within the midst of the Jewish people.

  2. Good article. It's silly how the esavians reinvent themselves every few years.

    There is Judaism and there is esavianism. But there is no Judeo-esavianism and there never can be.

    After all the millions (billions?) of dollars spent on converting Jews, they really have very little to show for it BARUCH HASHEM.

    There's going to come a point where these esavians are going to want to see a "return on their investment".

    What will happen to all the smiles and sweet talk from the esavians then?
