07 January 2020

Rabbi Mizrachi on Running Away to Israel

11 Tevet 5780
"Jews of the United States will be forced to flee like fugitives, because those who survived the weather disasters will not be able to survive the tremendeous waves of hatred against them.

The survivors will arrive in Israel with only the clothes on their backs and Moshiach ben Yosef will reach out to help them."   (Yehudit's Prophecy)

[The above video clip was excerpted for educational purposes from "Solid Rules And Principles Of The Torah And Judaism In Englewood, NJ."]


  1. I love and revere Rav Mizrachi! I'm afraid, though, that it is presumptuous to think that Jew will always have the opportunity to run to Israel. 1. During times of war the planes are grounded and the airports shut. 2. If there is an EMP attack, no one is going anywhere. 3. The erev rav government (who have davka brought in so many non-Jews to counteract the orthodox Jews) can easily refuse entry to whomever it deems to be "extremist" or "hateful" 4. The more Arabs that get into the government the more they will be blocking Jews from returning. 5. The state of Israel (its erev rav/arab government) may be able to say: "We already have a housing shortage and simply cannot house any mass immigration from the U.S.". 6. And don't forget, Hashem can send a serious health epidemic that sees refusal of Jews from certain parts of the world to come into Israel in order to contain contamination. Andy many, many other ways that Hashem can shut the doors of Israel and close the opportunity. I fear it may be that Hashem is saying, "You refused to come when you could have...when everyone was asking and begging you to...when you had homes to sell and could have come with lifts in comfort... and you refused. You chose materialism and PREFERRED living under goyim. Now when you want to come, I will make it impossible". I fear that the religious Jewish community in the U.S. is being targeted because of all Jews-- they should be the ones to WANT to run (not walk) to Israel as soon as the opportunity presented itself. The fact that there are RELIGIOUS JEWS in America that CHOOSE to live there is a chilul Hashem every day. They may not be changing the siddurs from "Jerusalem" to "Berlin" in print, but they are certainly doing it with their actions.

    1. I agree that it is unwise to assume there will always be an open door, but with all due respect, I have to disagree that the door will close from Israel's side. I don't see that happening in any case at all. HOWEVER! It's very possible, as we saw on 9/11, that a situation could develop where no one could get out of there - whether due to a political or war situation, a terror attack or a weather disaster. Furthermore, I don't think Hashem would still be sending warnings via the increasing antisemitic attacks if there was not still opportunity to respond.

      Your important point is well taken - that we just have no way of knowing when it ends. Hopefully Rabbi Mizrachi, Yehudit and Rav Arush are right that the Jews will simply be rounded up and sent to Israel even against their will. That's their best-case scenario right now, like it or not. The alternative is unthinkable.

    2. Thank you for disagreeing so respectfully! :) I wonder-- how would the Jews be rounded up and sent to "Palestine" (the land the world thinks the Jews "stole" from the Palestinians) without there being an outcry from all the Arabs and left wingers? They would just allow millions of Jews into "Palestine"? So I don't believe that scenario is likely. I think we just have to wait and see what Hashem has planned. But like you say, and Rabbi Mizrachi, etc. says: get out of America (and the west) if you can... asap! May Hashem give all the chut l'eretz Jews time to get to Israel without force. May He give us all time for teshuva and protect us all wherever we are.
