25 January 2020

Gog uMagog Happening NOW!

29 Tevet 5780
Yom Kippur Katan
Erev Rosh Chodesh Shevat
Shavua Tov!

Three bombshells have hit and I only have time to discuss one of them tonight...
  • The price Netanyahu has paid to get Na'ama Issachar back (and she has still not been released)
  • Why a virus with a 4% mortality rate is being hyped and treated like one with a 50% mortality rate
  • How the Holocaust conference evokes Gog uMagog
God willing, maybe we'll get back to the first two during the week ahead.  Meanwhile, I'd like to begin discussion of the third with a quote from a comment I received last week in advance of the conference just held this past Thursday in Jerusalem.
Anonymous     21/1/20 4:37 AM

Do we really think the global elite would gather for a pity party for dead Jews? To pay respects? to honor the dead?
The truth is that this is a high powered cocktail party for the global elite. And a gathering of the global elite cannot mean good things for the Jewish people.

It would not surprise me in the least if behind the scenes, the "deal of the century" is being finalized to impose on the Jewish people. All the major Esavian players are there.

Esau SONEI Yaakov. ALWAYS AND FOREVER. Why can't we figure it out yet????
"The Deal of the Century."  Of course, and they couldn't even wait for the conference to conduct its business before making the announcement.  
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Blue and White party leader Benny Gantz were invited on Thursday to come to Washington on Tuesday next week for the presentation of U.S. President Donald Trump's "Deal of the Century" Middle East peace plan.
Clearly, the two things are connected.  And both things are part of a war meant to remove us from the face of the earth.  It's another stage of the Gog uMagog War which has been waged upon us since WWI.  
Leaders of 46 countries, far more than have ever been in Israel at one time, are expected to participate in the event hosted by President Reuven Rivlin and Yad Vashem. (Source)

Groundbreaking: Senior Saudi Religious Leader and Muslim Leaders From 24 Countries Visit Auschwitz  (Source)
Eisav in Jerusalem and Yishmael at Auschwitz, on the same day: 46 + 24 = 70 nations which is also the gematria of Gog uMagog! 

[Note that Erev Rav Kushner was with the Saudis at Auschwitz while Super-Xian Pence was in Jerusalem saying Kaddish!]

If initial reports are correct that Trump's "plan" will allow 30% of Judea and Samaria to remain under Israeli control, that still means that 70%! will be recognized by the world powers as the Palestinian State!!  

From there it is only a matter of time.  If Israel does not completely succumb to the rampant assimilation of massive numbers of goyim being funneled into the state, the growing power and encroachment of Palestine on the doorstep will finish it off.

The only way they are going to get Abbas' and Hamas' cooperation with this "plan" is to give them "East" Jerusalem for their capital.  In all his speeches about the US "recognition" of Jerusalem as Israel's capital, Trump made it clear he was speaking only of "West" Jerusalem: "recognizing facts on the ground; not predetermining Jerusalem's final status, etc."

However, the plan may now be to use this as an opportunity to provoke a larger war with Iran and the Arabs surrounding Israel, knowing they won't - they can't - accept the terms, if it means conceding all of Jerusalem to Israeli hands. See...
US builds up Mid-East strength against rising tension over “Deal of the Century" and Iran
Only Hashem knows where all of this is leading, but as our anonymous commenter quoted above reminds us, we know that nothing Eisav does is for the good of the Jews because Eisav soneh et Ya'aqov!  And that's why our Sages told us this is a law!  

We're leaving Tevet behind and heading towards the time of our redemption just as we are reading about the first redemption from Egypt in the parshiot of these weeks.  The events of those times remind us that it always looks darkest just before the dawn, that redemption is a process, and that Hashem's promise to send us a Redeemer is sure and true.  Dawn is coming.  Springtime is on its way.  Eisav and Yishmael, even with the help of the Erev Rav, cannot win.  They are doomed to failure and destruction, just like Paro and ancient Egypt.


  1. Shalom,

    Though a lot of online newspaper, say 28 countries not 24...



    The only one that states as you posted is Yeshiva world... could all the rest be wrong then?

    Just asking.


    1. "All the rest"? You brought 2 alternate sources who are both quoting the same original source - the AP. What's important is that these are the numbers I saw. I didn't go looking for them. The numbers I saw added to 70 - that's the message.

  2. Also, the specific number is not necessary. The idea is still the same. The nations of the world have come against us. Their number used to be 70, but today they are many more. Their roots though, are the same 70.

  3. Oh, ok... understand.



  4. Whats truly sickening the total exploitation of the kedoshim by the erev rav. When Jews who are not even shomer Shabbat present themselves as authentic representative of the Jewish nation to world it is sickening. Especially when they use the memory of the kedoshim for political purposes.

    These people dont know or care about the Torah world that was eliminated in Europe by the nazis yimach shemam. They never will understand what was lost in Europe.

    Can we even say this? The truth is that it is past time to say this.

    It's time to separate from their definition of remembering the kedoshim and our way of remembering the kedoshim.

    Their way is Holocaust "cocktail parties", "Holocaust studies", "Holocaust museums" and endless Holocaust speeches, remembrances and platitudes.

    Our way is tefilah, learning Torah, and building more places of Torah. And more learning Torah.

    They love the dead Jew and the dead Jewish past of golus.

    We love the living Jew and the bright Jewish future of geulah.

    We could not be more different from them.

    I could go on about what a disgrace it is for esavians to say Jewish prayers. The same lips that mumble mumbo jumbo to ben pandeira the mamzer daring to say sacred prayers of the Jewish people.... such a disgrace.

  5. History is repeating itself. The results of World War One have not ended. The only thing we have is Emuna and Hashem. The 70 Nations will "Play mind Games" on the Jews to screw us over as they have done for the last 2000 years of exile. These times are a test for the Jewish leadership throughout the world on how they hold. Do they have Emuna and Love of Hasehem or are they trusting the 70 Nations? Will they make Aliyah and promote Aliyah?

  6. wow!!

    may HAshem speedily send moshiach and save us with tremendous mercy

  7. What a great, wonderful comment to Anonymous @3:47 am. Yasher Koach!

  8. There are tons of videos available on youtube of chinese that have managed to slip in the situation of the virus there. Doctors uploaded videos of how the government has built hospitals in just 6 days stuffing about 100,000 in each one. People are dying on the streets because they don't even know they're infected.
    They've cut roads to Wuhan (the place where this is centered in), preventing anyone from going in or out.

    I certainly wouldn't say that this has anything to do with moshiach but it's a pretty scary time right now.

    1. How do you know those videos are real?

      See HERE.

  9. Says the worst and most dangerous Xian missionary in Jerusalem...

    As such, says Evans, now is the time for the Jewish state to embrace Christian biblical, political and diplomatic support for Israel.
    For the first time in American history, there is an Evangelical Christian secretary of state and vice president and a president that loves the Evangelicals.
    “I think the combination of this beautiful dream team has given Israel the opportunity of a lifetime – and they should take it,” said Evans.

  10. Re that link that you posted on this page:

    I am in the EU and all we can read on that page is:
    Our European visitors are important to us.
    This site is currently unavailable to visitors from the European Economic Area while we work to ensure your data is protected in accordance with applicable EU laws.

