2 Nisan 5778
Shavua tov!
Fourth Adar Message from Meir Yisroel:
I want you to understand that this is no joke, that
I have been feeling this for a few weeks already. I
am panic stricken as a child, and I am panic
stricken as a Neshoma. I know it has to be. We are
going to see in the next few weeks many signs of
an imminent attack on Israel. At least for those
who read the news there will be signs. For others
it will come as a surprise, but as the saying goes it
will be the “shot that reverberated around the
world” and it will bring us into World War Three, Hashem Yishmor.
[Note from Devash: The replacement of SoS Tillerson with the more "hawkish-on-Iran" Pompeo, together with Debka's report that US Pres Trump is "postponing his Israel-Palestinian peace plan indefinitely," I believe, could point to a US - Iran showdown in the immediate offing with Israel right in the middle of it.]
When we sit at the table on Pesach it will be very serious and Yetzias Mitzrayim won’t
seem like a story anymore. We are going to be living it in present time and like the
Makkos before Yetzias Mitzrayim this will also take twelve months. We will see great
wonders and we will see death and devastation. However, the only way to survive this
very special time in history is with total trust in Hashem, unquestionable Bitachon in
Hashem and that alone will bring us through this next year without any harm, Be’ezras
Hashem. It is time for Am Yisroel to go back to the Truth which is Ain Od Milvado.
Hakadosh Boruch Hu is the Hakol Yachol and our only future is to give up the senseless
Gashmius, the senseless Lashon Hora and come back to Hashem completely. Go back
to the simplicity, to the greatness of the true Jewish home, go back to our learning the
way it is supposed to be, Leshem Shomayim and the Ikar again, total trust in Hashem.
I Bentch us all that we should get through this with total Bitachon and when we see
Moshiach with our eyes and with our Neshoma, that Hashem will help us to recognize
him. From that moment on we won’t have any more real worries. We will be the Am
Yisroel that Hashem wants us to be.
Shenizka Kulanu L’Kabel Pinei Moshiach Tzidkainu Berachamim U’visimcha. We should
be Zoche to great Moshiach Tzidkainu with mercy and joy.
Fifth Adar Message from Meir Yisroel:
Mommy the world is about to explode. Only fools
and the very uninformed could deny what I have
just said. Everywhere we look in the world
something unusual and very often terrible is
happening, besides the actual natural events of
huge proportions that nobody can deny because
we can see with our own eyes and feel it clearly
making a huge difference in our everyday lives. We
have other movie-like threats to our existence
that I am not sure are real at all but only the Reshoim trying to confuse us into thinking
that some strange object like a Chinese space station is about to hit the earth
endangering the unknown place where it might hit with its highly toxic and very
poisonous waste.
In the last few years NASA with its lies has seemed to be in competition with reports
of the mini solar system of Nibiru for front page news. However, the difference is that
Nibiru is a fact and it is coming towards us at a very fast speed. Nibiru and its solar
system have been foretold in the Seforim like the Zohar, etc. and it even describes how
two thirds of the world will be destroyed when it passes by the earth. However false
information coming out of NASA time and again of huge meteorites, and now a fallen
Chinese space station hit the headlines, and when the time comes for it to happen
evaporates like it was never said. This method of dreaming up fantastic threats against
our existence that NASA has been using time and again only to confuse us.
I want to make it clear that the mini solar system called Nibiru or Hashavit in the Zohar
is very close. The natural disasters that governments all over the world are trying with
no real success to deny are happening and it was foretold in the Nevuas that two thirds
of the world will be destroyed, one third almost completely, one third will be hurt very
badly and one third will not be damaged. If you are a believer in G-D then you know
that everything that has been written in our Sifrei Kodesh in one way or another has
become a reality and this is a fact and it is about to affect the whole world. No one can
argue the truth that since the early 1980s all of the major countries of the world have
been building luxury bunkers deep into the ground all over the world. They have been
building these bunkers secretly using the tax payer’s money to do it with. They have
been brazenly without any kind of fear siphoning off money secretly from their citizens
to ensure the survival of the evil ones that control the world today.
I know that I have written this before, maybe in a different way, however this solar
system is about to visit earth very soon, not in years maybe in months but it is close. A huge World War is on the horizon. We can already see it happening. We can see
gigantic preparations going on in every country for the moment when the largest of all
World Wars will begin, Hashem Yishmor. In a short time, it will take the lives of many
people and when I say many I cringe even to think how many. When the mini solar
system finally appears it will be after this war or coinciding with it. I do know one thing
that Hashem created this world for Am Yisroel, in order that His chosen people could
overcome the Yetzer Hora that they took into themselves when they went against
Hashem’s will and ate from the Tree of Knowledge. They realized after they did this
what a terrible thing they did and they realized that in the future life would not be the
Gan Eden that they knew up to that point. They accepted their new status and since
then man has been fighting the Yetzer Hora which has caused death and destruction
to individuals, to groups, to countries to this very day. We are at the end of a terrible
The people of the world have not waged a war against their Yetzer Hora. They turned
bad into good and good into bad even if they believe in the Aseres Hadibros. For
example, “you shall not kill,” they interpret as thou shall not kill but if it’s a Jew or some
other person that you don’t want then its Muter/ allowable. Their commandments are
only connected to their own desires. Am Yisroel was given the Torah and for all those
thousands of years since the first official Jew, Avrohom Ovinu who wasn’t formally
given the Torah but was born with a knowledge of the Torah we have been fighting the
evil ones and trying to be what Hashem wants us to be.
This is a huge task that is almost impossible because Hashem has tested us in a most
difficult way. He has chosen us to fight the Yetzer Hora in order to become worthy of
being His servants for eternity. There are comparatively very few of us in this world
that are real Jews but even though all around us there is chaos and destruction, He will
save every Jewish Neshoma. We are at the lowest of all the generations and yet in the
end will be the highest and the closest to Hashem.
I am not going to attempt to describe exactly how this will happen. At this point of
history, it seems, Chas Veshalom almost an impossible thing but we will survive! We
will reject, if we haven’t already, the Yetzer Hora and we will cling to Hakadosh Boruch
Hu so-to-speak. We will come back to Him completely leaving behind us all the Sheker
of this world. We will throw away the Sheker that we once wanted to believe in and
run towards the Truth which will bring us eternal life. Prepare yourself! It is
coming soon. It will be frightening and it will be hard but with Hashem’s help and our
own determination we will finally reach the end of the Galus and the entrance to Gan
Eden will be revealed to us. We will enter the Bais Hamikdosh worn out by all the conflicts, extremely tired and emotionally spent but we will very soon feel the
physically warm and comforting light of Truth encompassing us and we will be healed
and we will be worthy of being part of the Geula Sheleimah which will bring us up to a
higher level spiritually then the first man and woman. We will be tattered and torn and
full of humility and this will be the greatest point that the human being has reached
spiritually up to that point of what we call history.
The outcome of the history of the world is that Am Yisroel, which means every single
Neshoma that was present at Har Sinai and said Na’aseh Venishma, has finally passed
all their tests in a positive way and they are ready for the next stage of their spiritual
development which is too lofty to go into now. So, those Jews who are reading and
internalizing my simple words and are beginning to feel the absolute Truth in them, I
Bentch you that in the near future we will all be rid of the Nochosh, the Satan, the evil
inclination that has dragged us down into the muck since the first man was formed.
I truly believe that this coming Pesach will bring with it a revelation, a Truth that no
one will be able to deny except the evil ones who never wanted the Truth.
I Bentch us all, all Am Yisroel that this Pesach we will truly leave Mitzrayim but this time
we will leave Mitzrayim and enter the Holy of Holies.