[ADVANCE NOTE: This is a very deep subject that I am about to get into, way too much for a blog. All I can really do in this space is point you in the right direction. Most of the important information will be linked, but it is long and time-consuming. It would be well worth your while to educate yourself on these subjects. The information is especially critical for American Jews.]
You will not find many comments from me on the US elections. I'm still not convinced Ole George will leave office. But what I'm beginning to hear from Jews about the Republican VP candidate has me concerned.
Take today's article from Israel National News as a case in point.
Republicans Say Palin's Israeli Flag Says It All
...The Republican Jewish Coalition has pointed out that an Israeli flag is a fixture on the drapes in her office. "I think it speaks volumes that she keeps an Israeli flag on the wall of her office," the group's executive director, Matt Brooks, explained in an e-mail to Politico.com. "It clearly shows what's in her heart."
Are we really so easily placated, so blithely bought off? The article wraps up with this gem of an assessment:
"...Gov. Palin is a likely Israeli backer because she is 'a very religious person, and the religious Christians are the greatest supporters of Israel,' according to the Hawaii's Jewish governor, Linda Lingle, also a Republican."
What neither the media nor the political pundits are going to expose, mainly because they are most probably completely unaware of it as yet, is the real danger of ending up with a President who is a Dominionist by belief and conviction.
Before I get into that, let me give you some background:
Evangelicals energized by McCain-Palin ticket
...Gary Bauer, one of McCain's most enthusiastic evangelical supporters, said the Arizona senator had hit a "grand slam home run" and that adding Palin to the GOP ticket is "guaranteed to energize values voters."
...The 44-year-old mother of five, who led her high school chapter of the Fellowship of Christian Athletes, was baptized as a teenager at the Wasilla Assembly of God Church, where she and her family were very active, according to her then-pastor, Paul Riley.
She now sometimes worships at the Juneau Christian Center, which is also part of the Pentecostal Assemblies of God, said Brad Kesler, business administrator of the denomination's Alaska District. But her home church is The Church on the Rock, an independent congregation, Riley said.
The questions to ask here are: Who is Gary Bauer? And why is the Pentecostal connection important?
Gary Bauer Profile
Gary Bauer, a major figure of the Christian Right and former presidential candidate, has been a key organizer of campaigns linking rightist pro-Israel Christian groups and conservative Christian evangelicals.
He is connected with, among many other things, Jerusalem Summit (International Advisory Board Chairman) and American Alliance of Jews and Christians (Cofounder, 2002).
He is also a Dominionist, as are most of the Republican, right-wing, fundamentalist Xian, neo-Fascist politicians.
[DISCLAIMER: I am not an American citizen. I do not vote. I believe both candidates are equally bad for the Jews and for Israel, so this is not a knee-jerk Democratic response to the Palin pick.]
The article Theocratic Sect Prays for Real Armageddon is a must read. Here are some excerpts:
...Tattooed across [Todd Bentley's] sternum are military dog tags that read "Joel's Army." They're evidence of Bentley's generalship in a rapidly growing apocalyptic movement that's gone largely unnoticed by watchdogs of the theocratic right. According to Bentley and a handful of other "hyper-charismatic" preachers advancing the same agenda, Joel's Army is prophesied to become an Armageddon-ready military force of young people with a divine mandate to physically impose Christian "dominion" on non-believers.
"An end-time army has one common purpose -- to aggressively take ground for the kingdom of God under the authority of Jesus Christ, the Dread Champion," Bentley declares on the website for his ministry school in British Columbia, Canada. "The trumpet is sounding, calling on-fire, revolutionary believers to enlist in Joel's Army. ... Many are now ready to be mobilized to establish and advance God's kingdom on earth."
...Joel's Army believers are hard-core Christian dominionists, meaning they believe that America, along with the rest of the world, should be governed by conservative Christians and a conservative Christian interpretation of biblical law. There is no room in their doctrine for democracy or pluralism.
Dominionism's original branch is Christian Reconstructionism, a grim, Calvinist call to theocracy that, as Reconstructionist writer Gary North describes, wants to "get busy in constructing a Bible-based social, political and religious order which finally denies the religious liberty of the enemies of God."
...Reconstructionists have made several serious forays into mainstream politics....
...several Joel's Army pastors are addressed by their congregants as "commandant" or "commander"....
..."As the church begins to take on this resolve, they [Joel's Army churches] will start to be thought of more as military bases, and they will begin to take on the characteristics of military bases for training, equipping, and deploying effective spiritual forces," Joyner wrote. "In time, the church will actually be organized more as a military force with an army, navy, air force, etc."
Are they perhaps already on their way with Erik Prince's (Erik Prince is a multi-millionaire fundamentalist Christian from a powerful Michigan Republican family.) Blackwater? And with such luminaries at the head of the US military like General William Boykin? (Google also the Manifest Sons of God.)
Esau and Ishamel will unite to fight against Jerusalem. They will be destroyed.