13 January 2025

Astronomical Event Heads Up

13 Tevet 5785

Mars makes its closest approach to Earth on January 14th.  Mars - the god of war - on the cusp of the full moon.  And only six days to go until the Biden administration is history.

Planetary Alignment 2025
Rare Celestial Event of 2025

~ ~ ~

I've seen all the silliness comparing Los Angeles to Gaza.  Here's a bit of "silliness" from my perspective...

Every time the US has massive natural disasters it's because they are pressuring Israel to do something suicidal - just like now.

1 comment:

  1. בס"ד

    I see a lot of speculation on the seemingly imminent hostage deal. I'm not sure what the sudden big rush to make a deal before the o'biden mis-administration is swept out of office in less than a week, for which I am sure they will take full credit for. Smotrich is threatening to vote against it as a threat to national security. I assume he is aware of the terms while Am Yisrael is not priveliged to know such details beforehand. Consequential issues such as these should be a matter of national referendum, not decided upon unilaterally behind closed doors by compromised politicians under extreme duress by foreign entities.

    I have no doubt that Knesset members have the weight of foreign pressure, which is nothing new. I'm just wondering what treacherous actions they have been threatened with to fold within days of the new US administration taking office. The treacherous amerikkans have hamstrung us since the Simchat Torah massacre. The operation in azza would have been over in 4 months if the IDF refused to play by the amerikkan rules dictated to us. The bloodthirsty savages would have surrendered within a matter of weeks without the humanitarian aid that entered the strip at the amerikkans insistence.

    So, if there is indeed a correlation between the fires in hellyweird and their pressure to force us into an agreement that endangers our national security, then may the fires burn from sea to shining sea.



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