14 January 2025

"All Hell Will Break Out" Seems to Have Begun with LA

15 Tevet 5785

Trump’s Inauguration:
“All Hell Will Break Out” - Prophetic?


  1. We are totally sold out by American Jews!! So much for their "de-mock-racy". Unelected people, unanswerable to Israelis, yet they are meddling in our lives. What chutzpah!!

    Miriam Adelson, billionaire donor and longstanding supporter of Donald Trump, was crucial in persuading the president-elect to push Hamas to accept a hostage agreement, Israeli journalist Ben Caspit (Maariv) reported.

    Adelson, who at times commanded extraordinary influence over US-Israel relations, reportedly lobbied Trump to take bold action, utilizing her close relationship with the president-elect.

    According to Caspit, Adelson’s activism was decisive in persuading Trump to issue what in December was a grave public warning to Hamas, demanding that it release the hostages it had taken. Trump had recently taken to social media, declaring, “The hostages are being held so violently, inhumanely, and against the will… Those responsible will be hit harder than anybody has been hit in the long and storied history of the United States of America. RELEASE THE HOSTAGES NOW!”

    The reports underscore Adelson’s strategic role in US-Israel diplomacy through her relationship with Trump and claim that her influence has helped shape substantial decisions.

    Adelson’s influence on Trump goes back to his 2016 presidential campaign, when she and her late husband, Sheldon Adelson, donated more than $100 million. The Adelsons played a crucial role in crafting Trump’s pro-Israel protocols, such as recognizing Israeli sovereignty in the Golan Heights and moving the US Embassy to Jerusalem.


    The problem is we are NOT getting the hostages and Hamas is being given everything they want - victory.

  2. בס"ד

    Rav Richter is consistently on point, especially regarding the unwarranted adulation of D.S. donny by a sizeable percentage of both Israeli and diaspora Jews. It should be noted also that the Adelsons had much influence with Netanyahu until the relationship soured before Sheldon Adelson's passing.

    It is worth noting also that The United States will celebrate its 250th anniversary on July 4, 2026, marking 250 years since the signing of the Declaration of Independence. No "democracy" in world history has survived or endured beyond 250 years. History shows that so called democracies inevitably devolve and collapse. The failure rate is 100% without exception.

    It seems that a lot of signs are converging rapidly. Astronomical events, current events, seismic events, all indicating a potentially cataclysmic period worldwide before the imminent geula.

    B'ezrat Hashem it will not be protracted beyond what Am Yisrael can endure.


  3. I want to say a big "thank you" to all those who take the time to comment and share your thoughts and feelings. I appreciate you all more than I can say. Knowing you are all out there is so very encouraging. We just have to be near the end. Logically, it simply can't go on much longer like this.

    1. בס"ד

      I'm pretty sure the readers of this blog very much appreciate you for all the time and effort in researching current events in the light of Torah truth and prophecy.

      And yes, it is comforting and encouraging to know that there are others out there that see the real world through the lens of Torah, otherwise it would be very easy to fall into depression and despair. The world revealed through the wisdom of Torah, is revealed as a world of sheker and you cannot look at the world in the same way.

      So thank you Devorah for your outstanding contribution to the world of truth.


  4. Please, i don't know this, i am not to blame, just posting, just a man, born in Amsterdam, me. Don't take it out on me ! https://www.jpost.com/israel-news/article-837645

    1. He still buys into the idea of a plasticine people, and that the population is separate from Hamas, and wants to impose a p state in Eretz Yisrael.


  5. בס"ד

    As an afterthought to my last comment. I admit that I didn't have time to sit and do the calculations, but it seems that the 250th year anniversary that falls on July 4th, 2026, is pretty close to the mid point of the current Shmittah cycle. I may have to correct myself after I do the math tomorrow, but if correct seems pretty interesting.


  6. I totally agree with Rabbi Richter and Jonathan Pollard has reservations about Trump as well. I am fearful that Trump will once again try his Deal of the Century to try to create a Fakestinian state. We can hope Trump does teshuvah and supports Israel but unfortunately the evidence is leading the other way.


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