03 January 2025

The Special Status of the Torah Learners/Teachers

3 Tevet 5785
Erev Shabbat Kodesh
Parashat Vayigash

Something to keep in mind while the anti-Torah forces of the State try to convince us that Torah is only for our spare time.

Excerpted from the Stone Edition Chumash Commentary on Bereishit 47.22 . . .

"Only the land of the priests he did not buy."  The verse explains that the priests had no need to sell their land for food because they received a stipend from Pharaoh, despite the famine.  Verse 26 reiterates that only the priestly lands did not become Pharaoh's. The Torah's stress on the royal provision for the priests is seen by the commentators as a lesson for future generations of Israel:  Jews should never be reluctant to give their tithes and contributions to the Kohanim, Levites, and the poor.  God says, "See how Pharaoh did not take the land of his idol-worshiping priests and he freed them from paying a fifth of their produce to the crown.  But to you, My children, I have given Eretz Yisrael as an outright gift - surely you, who are children of the living God, should graciously contribute a fifth" (Moshav Zekeinim).

Joseph prophetically established a precedent that would later benefit Israel while it was in Egypt.  By giving a privileged status to the clergy, Joseph established a precedent that made it possible for the tribe of Levi - the Jewish "clerics" - to be exempt from the servitude to which the Egyptians later subjected the other tribes, so that there would be a strong nucleus of people who kept alive the teachings of the Patriarchs (R' Yaakov Kaminetzky).


01 January 2025

ZOT Hanukkah!

2 Tevet 5778
8th Candle of Hanukkah
Zot Chanukah
The "simple" explanation for this special name for the last day of Chanuka is the Torah reading from the end of Parshat Naso that emphatically announces ZOT CHANUKAT HA-MIZBEI'ACH (when the Torah is summing up the gifts of all the Tribal Leaders.

There is another, deeper meaning to the name. If you want to really know what Chanuka is all about, the answer is THIS, THE EIGHTH DAY OF CHANUKA - the fact that there are 8 days of Chanuka - ZOT CHANUKA, this is what Chanuka means. It means EIGHT. EIGHT is our answer to the Greek challenge. They said nature is perfect. They said it is a mutilation of the body to be circumcised. And they forbid us to fulfill that great mitzva of ours, under pain of death. EIGHT represents the step beyond TEVA, beyond nature. MILA on the 8th day represents our challenge to go beyond how we were created and take charge of the completion of our physical and spiritual form. The Mikdash began to function on its higher spiritual level on the EIGHTH day. The Greeks tried to take that away from us too. Torah was given to us on the day following seven sevens. It is an EIGHTH too. And the Greeks tried to take that from us also. With G-d's help, we prevailed over the Greeks and the triumph is celebrated with an 8 day holiday. This is Chanuka. ZOT CHANUKA.  
(Courtesy of OU.org)