27 February 2019

Will a Vote For Yachad Be a "Wasted" Vote?

22 Adar I 5779

That's what "they" want you to believe.  But, as I wrote elsewhere, the polls in the general media cannot be trusted because while they claim Yachad cannot get more than 1% of the vote, Yachad, as a choice, has never been included in even one poll questionnaire that I have received - and they seem to go out almost daily. 

The following was posted to Eli Yishai's facebook page yesterday...
Want to vote Yachad, but are afraid of the blocking percentage??  Join and register in our vote counters!
They imposed a veto on us, so we will win alone.
If you would vote for Yachad if you knew they could cross the threshold, please participate in Yachad's online poll and see if your vote counts or not.


PS: I just wanted to comment on the current trend worldwide to use scare tactics in order to herd the sheeple into one corral or the other. It used to be that a candidate would woo voters by telling them how his candidacy would benefit the public. Now, it seems like the goal is to convince everyone how the other guy is an even worse choice than they are.  What a sad state democracy has reached.


  1. Hopefully there will be more truthful disclosure about poll from this point on. This press release (translated from Hebrew) has gotten no coverage in the Anglo press, but is no less significant for that.

    Press Release

    A Great Victory for Democracy:

    The Aleh Yarok appeal reveals the manipulations of the election polls.

    Supreme Court Justice Hanan Meltzer: "Aleh Yarok's considerable contribution to the democratic fabric of Israel"

    A large and significant victory by the Aleh Yarok party will reveal the true results of election polls as well as the manipulations carried out by the pollsters, misleading the electorate in Israel.

    The Chairman of the Elections Committee, Supreme Court Justice Hanan Meltzer, accepted the Aleh Yarok claim that the pollsters are obligated to add to the election poll reports the gross results; not just the processed results.

    The processed results, those reported by poll companies, are results determined independently by the pollsters on the basis of personal assessments, as well as changes and "corrections" of the raw results that have been hidden until now, with the poll companies refusing to disclose them.

    The result is that now - starting March 1 - the scope of the pollers' manipulation of the poll results will be revealed for the first time.

    For example, as of today, the results of the polls ("the processed results") included the votes of "undecided / do not know" which the pollers apportioned according to their personal understandings. These numbers are 25-35 percent, about 40 seats - these were distributed [among the various parties] by the pollsters themselves without any transparency. Thus, the pollsters were given tremendous power in which they could influence, even without proper disclosure, voter awareness.

  2. (continued)

    The Liberal Party Aleh Yarok identified the problem of presenting the gross results only as early as 2015. At the beginning of the 2019 election campaign, the party petitioned the Elections Committee to set appropriate guidelines, through the lawyers Ohad Rosen and Hagai Kalai of the Kalai, Rosen & Co. firm.

    Among other things, the Aleh Yarok petition revealed that the poll companies acted contrary to international treaties and ethical codes to which they are signatories. At a discussion held by the Elections Committee in the presence of the parties, the pollsters were even angered by Aleh Yarok's desire that they reveal these figures.

    In his summary, Justice Meltzer praised the Aleh Yarok party for its contribution to Israeli democracy: "A considerable contribution of Aleh Yarok to the democratic fabric in Israel in the area of the polls that have so much influence."

    Another recommendation by the judge to the poll companies, also following the demand of the Aleh Yarok, is to require the poll companies to issue a proper disclosure regarding the identity of the customer ordering the poll, and the business connections between the customer and the poll institutes.

    This decision, which requires polling companies to disclose the raw poll data (in percentages) regarding all the parties polled, is in fact a continuation of the previous decision of the Elections Committee of 2015, also following a petition by Aleh Yarok to require the presentation of the results(in percentages) of parties that did not pass the threshold, but exceeded 1% of the vote. This decision led to the fact that these data are already presented in news broadcasts.

    Attorneys Ohad Rosen and Hagai Kalai, who represented Aleh Yarok in the petition, said: "It might have been possible to believe that following the decision in the previous election campaign, the media channels and polling institutes would work with full transparency in the data they collect so that the public could get an impression and judge whether their interpretation and forecasts are worthy of being trusted or not. Unfortunately, even in the present election campaign, whether for paternalistic or other reasons, the media outlets and polling institutes chose to delete parties hovering around the threshold with tens of thousands of supporters, based on their own opinions. The chairman of the election committee did well in his decision on transparency. The public will see, and will judge according to its best understanding and abilities."

    Oren Leibowitz, Chairman of Aleh Yarok: "A huge victory and a great success for Israeli democracy. The polls and the pollsters took upon themselves enormous power without transparency and have had a tremendous impact on the results of elections over the decades. This decision will undoubtedly have a significant impact on the elections and will give to the press and voters very significant additional information. We call upon pollsters to act in accordance with the ethical code they themselves have written for themselves and to act in full transparency, and for the media channels to adopt a more fair and transparent presentation to the public. We are proud to improve Israeli democracy even in regular activity outside the Knesset."

    1. Thank you so much, Shimshon. You have done us all a great favor by providing this information.

    2. Here's the source:


      You're welcome. But don't thank me. This was posted to an internal Zehut chat group and that's how I found out about it.
