"Egypt" Loses Its Power Over Israel on the 15th of Nissan

"...and on the 15th of Nisan they will in the future be redeemed from subjugation to exile.” (Tanhuma, Bo 9)

09 October 2013

Christian Antisemitism Hasn't Changed

5 Marcheshvan 5774

But, every once in awhile we need to be reminded of that. Go to this linked Yahoo article and take a look at the comments section followingit. (I've excerpted a few below.) Arabs live all around that area, but it is the Jews who are, of course, to blame and somehow it's even the fault of American Jews!

Attack on Jerusalem graves unnerves Christians

JERUSALEM (AP) — Christian leaders in Israel are up in arms over what they say is a string of relentless attacks on church properties and religious sites — most recently the desecration of a historic Protestant cemetery where vandals toppled stone crosses from graves and bludgeoned them to pieces.

...Christian citizens of Israel, including Roman Catholic and Orthodox streams of Christianity, make up less than 2 percent of its nearly 8 million people. About three-quarters of them are Arabs, and the others arrived during a wave of immigration from former Soviet Union countries that began 20 years ago. Tens of thousands of Christian foreign workers and African migrants also live in Israel.

Over the past three years, 17 Christian sites in the Holy Land have been reported vandalized, according to Search for Common Ground, a nongovernmental group that monitors press reports of attacks on religious sites.

...Christian leaders are often afraid to complain to police because many clergymen reside in Israel on special visas and wish to keep good relations with authorities, said Hana Bendcowsky of the Jerusalem Center for Jewish-Christian Relations. "There is a very strong feeling that the police are not doing enough ... and not doing work to prevent the phenomenon," she said.

...The Rev. Pierbattista Pizzaballa, one of the Roman Catholic church's top officials in the Holy Land, said such attacks "have become routine and target not only Christians. They're conducted by extremists and go against the spirit of tolerance. But it's also true that they're strongly condemned by the Jewish community, by people opposed to them."


Frankly, Jews and Christians were protected more in Saddam's pre-war Iraq, than Christians and Muslims are in Israel. You couldn't touch a Christian under Saddam's watch (you would disappear).

This should not be surprising. In Israel, these acts are simply swept under the carpet as "nationalistic". If this happened to a Jewish cemetery or to a rabbi here in the U.S., it would be a "hate crime". Why do we let such a small percentage of the population here in the U.S. control the political process? We pour our tax money into this failed Zionist venture, to support interests that are opposite to our own. Here in the U.S. the Jewish community lives apart from the rest of us. They are a Nation Apart from the rest us. They don't care about America in the least ... we exist to serve their interests. They have separate schools (which siphon off local taxes -- a clear violation of the separation of church and state), separate social institutions, separate neighborhoods, etc. They do not interact with outsiders at all. Worse, they are actively working to undermine all our Christian values. The media blast is never-ending: priests are bad, Boy Scouts are bad, being gay is cool (every TV show has a funny engaging homosexual -- it's just so "normal"), two dudes should marry, science over religion, conservative Christians are dumb, etc etc. They use our all-American tolerance against us. We are being brainwashed. We don't go to Church as much as we used to, yet they worship at Temple every Saturday. Meanwhile, their kids don't watch or listen to any of the media they create ... for example, they jam that Miley Cyrus that tripe down our kids' throats right in front of us, over our objections. Yet we take it. Their kids are not watching ANY of that garbage. This free-wheeling immorality and lack of class is created for consumption by for OUR kids.

Further, our senators and congressmen drive past their massive holocaust museum on the way to work in D.C. Why is it there? Shouldn't that museum be in Germany or Poland somewhere? Are we this stupid? Yes, we are: we are at the point that we can't wish each other "Merry Christmas" in public -- it has been replaced with the moronic "Happy Holidays".

This is the world we let happen. And we are paying for it everyday (at least until the liberals spend the last of our grandchildren's birthright and we collapse).


Hey, it's ok! No reason to be upset! It's Jewish folks who are doing...that MUST make it ok! I mean, come on, if it's somebody Jewish doing anything to anybody, it MUST be ok! We must blindly support every and all Jews no matter what they do! Heck, I mean, if Israel needs somebody to fight a war for them, let's send our kids to do it for them! Afterall, remember the Holocaust! These people are the great, great descendents of survivors. Yeah, right.


...So let me ask you, Do you love Gods enemies? Do you support Gods enemies? Yes you are to love your enemies but nowhere in the Bible are you commanded to love Gods enemies. Those people are not his people. Jesus plainly exposed that they were not his people to you many times if you have eyes that see and ears that hear and a heart that understands. That is why they killed him. He was identifying that they were not the Israelites and they were deceiving the real Israelites. Here we are 2 thousand years later and they have rebuilt their kingdom and sold you that they are the Israelites again and you are supporting them. The image of the beast has been built and you are accepting it.


  1. I'm not sure if I'm just imagining things but I really get the feeling these days that talkbacks on websites (even mainstream international news sites, not just ynet or jpost) are becoming crazy anti semetic. Not even the run of the mill, "Well you guys are bad because look at what you do to the arabs" but more along the lines of "We're sick of you people who think your so special and though we can't say it in public we'd really wish somebody with finish Hitler's job and get us rid of you already"

    Even if they are just anonymous comments and can't truly gauge public opinion in an accurate manner, I just really get the sense I'm seeing a whole lot more these days than I used to

  2. That was my point exactly. I mean, there is no reason to believe that this was not the work of Arabs who do this regularly on Har Hazeitim (and still the police do nothing), yet all the commenters just assume that Jews did it. As if that were not enough, they jump from illogically blaming Jews for grave desecration to blaming Jews for everything that is wrong in the world. The reportage has opened a crack for Jew-hatred to escape. Of course, what's always in the back of my mind and should probably be foremost in all our minds is what happens when the restive volcano explodes. And who knows where it will come from?

    Did you see this?
