"Egypt" Loses Its Power Over Israel on the 15th of Nissan

"...and on the 15th of Nisan they will in the future be redeemed from subjugation to exile.” (Tanhuma, Bo 9)

28 July 2011

July Message from the Autistic Children - Pt 2

26 Tamuz 5771

(See Pt 1 here.)

Moishele's message continues...

...The end is really close. And not only the Jews know this, the gentiles also know. Am Yisrael, soon, do you hear? SOON! Get your accounts in order with Heaven, because there is no time. Do an accounting with HKB”H so there shouldn’t be any surprises for you, so it won’t be difficult for you. Return to the truth. Even the tzadikim need to do an accounting; even the righteous. All Am Yisrael, the whole world stands in judgment now. Also, the animals, also nature, also the sky and the earth and people. And the most important in the people: Am Yisrael. We will all stand in judgment before the Creator and He will judge us. Now, at this minute, we have to begin to do serious teshuva, and spare ourselves from very much suffering. Again, this is soonest. In the near future, much greater suffering will begin and will arrive also to Eretz Yisrael. Are there questions?

Q.How do we begin to do teshuva like this?

A.Sit down and make a list of all your sins that you know you have done and all your bad tendencies and do teshuva for each and every one before HKB”H. Pray for Am Yisrael to pass through this easily. You need to say a lot of vidui. It’s desirable to say vidui also within your prayers. Teshuva, teshuva, teshuva. And this is teshuva and this is the solution to everything.

I came only to tell these things, and I want to say to you that everything that I’ve said is true, and a giant danger stands before us in the nearest future. Hashem wants us to regret very much all our sins from all the generations, from all the gilgulim, and we will be ready again to receive the Torah, to trust completely in Hashem and not to fear. The difficult test that stands before us now in the near future will be: not to fear. To trust in Hashem, to trust in Hashem and not to be afraid. And this will be a difficult test, hard, very hard. If for the Jews who left Mitzrayim it was difficult to trust Hashem to such an extent that the vast majority couldn’t leave, and died, then this test will be at least twice as hard, but do not fear. Whoever trusts in Hashem and doesn’t fear will succeed to pass through this relatively easily. The end will be so sweet, and so good, there exist no words in this world of ours today to describe it.


I want to say to you, Oy, oy! What is waiting for us! And this scares me very much, all the time. You all know that I am a coward, fearing very much the wars. The war. War, war. And this is very scary. Also here in the Land there will be war. And I want to say not only in the Land. It will indeed be hard here, but in the world, it will really be the scariest. Really massive destruction. And people will really kill themselves, really will kill themselves in multitudes and will go from the world. And not only people, even whole countries will disappear and be completely destroyed. And Hashem will bring down upon the world fear and destruction straight from Heaven.

People think that they are the rulers, and that their so-called excellent weapons are able to destroy. But HKB”H will show them that only He is able to destroy. And He will destroy them together with everything: with the animals, with the trees, with the stones, everything will be completely destroyed, but before the greatest evildoers will die, they will say that HKB”H is the Master of the World, and HE is the Truth. And then they will disappear from reality, will disappear and will not return, and will not exist in any place in creation. Prepare, because it will begin in the near future. It will begin on low heat and will go and grow to amazing things.

Q. How will this come to fruition in the Land?

A. I cannot say, but you will see for yourselves, and you will see all the liars here in this Land, all the evildoers; all the evildoers that are so-called Jews. There will be war here and there will be war abroad. But abroad, it will be the kind of destruction where it will be impossible to live there afterwards.

Q. What’s with the Jews abroad?

A. The majority of the Jews abroad are not waking up, but in the very near future, they will get hit hard. And I hope that they will wake up. And also, here – the majority of the Jews are not waking up, and also here they will get hit, but not like abroad. Darkness, darkness, darkness, there will not be electricity, there won’t be water…and not only that, it won’t be possible to bring food from the shops or nothing, and no gas for the cars, and the biggest problem is with the water.

(To be continued...)