03 January 2024

Torah Is the ONLY Thing Which Unites Us

22 Tevet 5784

In a recent interview, Jonathan Pollard drew a direct line between the Simchat Torah Massacre and the deep societal division that existed in Israel just prior to the invasion and attack.  Today, that same message went out to both the secular public, via Ynet (Golani Brigade deputy commander warns division in Israel 'worst thing that can happen'), and the religious public, via YWN (“Hamas Massacre And Rift In Israel Were Connected,” IDF Spokesperson Says) - in English at any rate.  I didn't check, but I guarantee you this conversation is being had in the Hebrew press as well.

It's being raised now in the wake of the High Court's slap to the face of every Israeli citizen by refusing to take the government's advice to leave controversial subjects to the day after the war ends.  In a clearly illegal move (depending on votes of justices who by their own rules should have already been retired and off the bench), they brazenly struck down the Knesset's hard-won Reasonableness Law.

The JPost addressed this issue via its main op-ed today...

The High Court of Justice on Monday struck down a law passed last year that would have curbed the court’s ability to use a “reasonableness doctrine” in its rulings. This is an important decision. The court made its ruling with a bare majority of eight justices against seven. It also said that it has a power to strike down basic laws by a majority of 12-3.

The rulings are important for Israel and show that the country is a thriving democracy, even during one of the worst wars in the history of the state.

We face unprecedented crises today on the frontline as the war drags on soon into its fourth month. In addition, more than 100,000 Israelis are still evacuated from 100 border communities.

Nevertheless, courts operate during war time and our democracy must remain as strong during crisis as during peace. The test of a democracy is how it behaves in crisis, not how it behaves when things are tranquil. Our democracy has now passed that test. We have come through the fire of war and we are thriving in the unity that is needed during this time.

The ruling by the court brings back memories of the divisions in society in the summer of 2023 when the judicial reform was being passed and there were unprecedented protests. However, the court’s ruling need not be a reason to go back to those difficult days. We all know now how important unity is. Our enemies want to take advantage of divisions in our society to strike at us.

As usual, the consensus of the Democracy-worshippers is to shame and blame anyone who disagrees with or stands in the way of their desire to be a Western Liberal Democratic nation like all the rest.  The Faithful of HKB"H cannot allow themselves to be influenced by these tactics.  The only connection the Simchat Torah Massacre has to the escalating societal divisions in Israel is that they are both an unfortunately necessary part of the birrur process which is paving the road to our complete redemption.

"In the beginning..." the Creator began putting His world in order by making divisions - "each after its own kind" and in its own place, fulfilling its own Divinely mandated purpose in the world.

It's not just the murderous Arabs who have to leave our Holy Land, but also the pretend Jews and Erev Rav who are doing everything in their power to prevent the rest of us from fulfilling our Creator's will in this Land which He gave us specifically for this purpose.

The Torah is not silent on these subjects.  Everything we need to know about how to set up a government and who may or may not live in this land alongside us and under what conditions is clearly laid out.  Our main problems stem not from lack of knowledge but from a lack of will - an unwillingness to submit our own will to that of our Creator's will.  That's where the critical change must and will come.  Jewish unity comes only through our common commitment to HKB"H and His Torah.  There can never be unity around Western values and liberal (anti-Torah) ideals.

Mashiach is the agent HKB"H is sending to impose His will on humanity.  Peace with HKB"H is the only true path to peace in this world.


  1. We simply cannot go backwards... Have we learned nothing?

  2. Believe this horrific last attack from these pere-adam was somehow
    planned to be a distraction from the 'court' dictatorship which at long last was being addressed. The left demands their power, no matter what. Not hard to see how this might very well be. Many are coming
    to that conclusion. The erev rav have been at this for millenia.

  3. It's not just the murderous Arabs who have to leave our Holy Land, but also the pretend Jews and Erev Rav who are doing everything in their power to prevent the rest of us from fulfilling our Creator's will in this Land which He gave us specifically for this purpose.... AND THE XTIANS!
