16 January 2024


7 Shevat 5784

The message seems to have finally gotten through that we cannot safely employ Arabs from Palestinian areas.  (Petition)  Now, if only people will understand that no Arab can be trusted and that's just how it is.

But, never forget that it is not only Yishmael whom we are fighting but Eisav and their attached Erev Rav as well.  As more and more Jews are rejecting Arab labor, there is going to be a big push on by The Other Side to replicate the Hayovel model across the country, replacing Arab labor with imported Christian Evangelical "lovers of Israel."  God forbid!!

Watch out for it!



  1. Hi I just bought a book called Yearning for Geulah Adapted from a Sefer. Arranged by orlinsky It was 12.00 here in boro park Very calming book with lots of diff ideas and explanations. Malky

    1. I saw the book online, but can't find info on the author.

    2. It’s translated in English from a Hebrew Sefer. It’s what the Rambam , ramchal and others say about this time before moshiach. Malky

    3. I looked up the book but it only seems to be for sale in America. Anyone know where to get it in Israel? TC

  2. I live in the Shomron, and as someone who did Shmirah at construction sites before the war, I can honestly say that we do not want these Arabs back. We created this dependency of Arab labor and the silver lining is that this gives us the opportunity to totally sever the ties and employ Jews, we just need to seize this opportunity, this is one of the greatest forms of Achdut, helping other Jews get jobs.

  3. The dependency on Arab labor in the construction market is a dependency on margins...as in kablanim want the biggest profit margin possible and Arab labor is cheap. What no Jews want to work in construction? Of course they do. But they want to be paid for it! Why are most of our doctors and pharmacists Arabs or Druze? We don't train Jewish doctors? Of course we do. But they go to chul where the wages are better. In Raanana these were illegal Arabs, and there are many Yidden who still hire illegals (knowingly) for cheap labor. This is the biggest hurdle we have to get over.

    1. They've taken an important step with arresting the employer. Now, if they charge them with being accessories to murder...
