25 October 2008

Something to Think About

(UPDATE: A post of similar theme to the following one can be seen at Shirat Devorah---Sarah Palin, Torah Codes and the Coming of the Moshiach )

After reading these two posts, you will begin to understand why it is Barack Obama and Sarah Palin who stand out during these days and not Joseph Biden/John McCain.

Excerpts from The Ishmaelite Exile by Rabbi Yechiel Weitzman:
...in the initial stage of the End of Days, the descendants of Esav will do battle with the children of Ishmael. Only at a later stage, the last stage before the redemption, will they all unite for a struggle over Jerusalem....

The final stage of the Ishmaelite exile will be fulfilled when Edom invites Ishmael (or vice versa) to join him in a world war: 'When the male ox (Ishmael) is teamed with the female (Edom), then the Ishmaelites will destroy the entire world' (Zayit Ra'anan....)

...Bil'am revealed in his final prophecy that the last stage in the process of Israel's perfection will be characterized by the alliance between Ishmael and Esav, an alliance aimed at tormenting the entire world and the Jewish people in particular.

...At the very outset of their history, Ishmael and Esav forged a bond through marriage.* And so it shall be at the End of Days. This alliance between them will bring history to its culmination in the redemption....

Today, the entire world is transfixed by the possibilities embodied by the Democratic contender for the office of President of the United States. He is much more than just half white and half black---his mother was a white Christian (Esav) and his father an African Muslim (Ishmael).
Not only is he the product of a literal union between Esav and Ishmael, but even spiritually, he is a mixture. According to Islamic law, he is a Muslim who spent his formative years in the mosque and in Muslim schools. However, once grown, he chose to identify as a Christian, being mentored for twenty years by a black-racist Christian preacher. So, externally and internally he is the embodiment of the marriage of Esav with Ishmael.

Does this mean he is destined to become US President and lead the War of Gog/Magog?

Maybe, but not necessarily. The very fact that such a person is featured so prominently in this time period is meant to show us what stage of history we are now living in. It's an indicator of what to expect next. He is a big siman whether the election happens or not, whether he wins it or not.


  1. Is it possible that we’re already reaching the zenith of the Ishmael/Edom (+ Erev Rav) alliance, before they’re destined to truly be at conflict with each other?

    So far Edom has been giving in on all fronts, at home (sharia courts, etc) and abroad despite being more then capable of ending the Ishmaelite aggression currently being waged across the world, basing their unwillingness on the notion that man should be like angels and be immorally good ("otherwise we're no better then then the otherside") rather then realizing that man was created to be ABOVE angels (murder is bad / killing a pursuer is good).

    Other then terrorism and nuclear weapons, how are the Ishmaelites going to destroy the entire world?

    That is one thing I do not understand clearly, is it destroying the global economy? is it using the oil weapon to force the world to convert to their system? How are they capable of destroying the whole world?

  2. According to our sources, as brought out in this book, first Esav and Yishmael will go to war with each other and only afterwards will they unite and come together against Yisrael.

    Perhaps it goes back to the old truism: "If you can't beat 'em, join 'em."

    I think we see some precedent for this idea in the actions of the Quartet with regard to the Road Map. Esav offers up Yisrael as a sacrifice to make coexistence with Yishmael possible (and profitable).

    If you think about the fact that the entire world only exists for the sake of Yisrael, the only way to truly "destroy" it is to destroy it's reason for being, i.e. Yisrael.

    By attempting to rid the world of Yisrael, they will instead destroy themselves and the world that they built just as the world at the time of Noach was "destroyed." But as it says in the Chesed l'Avraham, a great flood will rise up and "Eretz Yisrael will be like the ark of Noach" and will ride above the waves that will wash the world clean of its old ways.

    Did not Paro do the same, but on a more limited scale? In his obsession to hold Yisrael back from fulfilling its national destiny, he brought about the complete destruction of the Egyptian world.

    The faithful of Hashem have no need to worry or be afraid as long as they cling fast to their faith. Just stand back and watch what Hashem will do for the sake of His people and for His Great Name.
