27 Marcheshvan 5785
Yom Kippur Katan
Not only is Donald Trump returning for a second administration as president of the United States, he's coming back to finish the job he started at his first coming as president. Sound familiar?
the second coming of God." (Source)
- Preacher, prophet, messiah: Trump cult takes on religious overtones
- The King Messiah Trump
- A new video casts Donald Trump as a Messiah-like figure
- Trump and the politics of the Messiah
- Donald Trump: messiah or naughty boy?
- Donald Trump "The Quasi Messiah"
- Is Donald Trump the modern-day Messiah?
Rabbi Mendel Kessin: "I’ve mentioned many times who Trump is. He’s an Edomite – a messianic figure of Edom. His job is to assist the Jewish people to do the tikkun (to spiritually rectify the world). Which he’s doing! Which is amazing. He doesn’t even know who he is and he’s still doing it."
“...Donald Trump in Gematria (Hebrew numerology) equals 424, which is the same as Moshiach ben David (Messiah from the house of David),” Rabbi [Yosef] Berger pointed out. “This certainly does not mean he will be the Messiah, but it indicates that he will play a role in preparing the way for the arrival of the Messiah. He clearly has this inclination.”
"...according to the teachings of the Ari’zal, revealed to him by none other than Eliyahu HaNavi (Elijah), Yeshu was none other than the reincarnation of Esav, the brother of Ya’aqov Avinu (ref. Sefer HaGilgulim of the Ari’zal, chapter 67).
During the presidency of President Donald Trump, it became evident to me that the prophecies about the Son of Man, as predicted by Jesus in the Bible were, to a significant extent, fulfilled at the hands of Mr. Trump. The Bible speaks about two different Christs - or Messiahs. Jesus, the Son of God is the one Christ, whereas the Son of Man is the other. Jesus always referred to the Son of Man in the third person. The greatest distinction or significance between the Son of Man and the Son of God (the Lamb) is their respective positions at the throne of God. There are numerous differences between the Son of God and the Son of Man, but overall, people read these scriptures and they do not realize that the Son of God (the Lamb) stands in front of the throne of God, whereas the Son of Man, is positioned on the right hand of God. Jesus spoke about two different killings in the four gospels of the New Testament. People read these scriptures and are unaware that Jesus (the Son of God) predicted his own killing in the first person, as opposed to the several prophecies that He made in respects to the Son of Man who will be crucified. The New Testament speaks about "two Kings;" Jesus, the Son of God, is the "King of the Jews," whereas the Son of Man is the "King of Kings" who will be a world-ruler, and He will rule all the nations (the tribes) of the earth with a rod of iron. This book will explain in depth how "Donald John Trump's" full name literally means: "The Ruler of the World, graced by Yahweh (the LORD) and a descendant of a Drummer." Upon reading this book, the reader will be captivated when they realize how President Donald John Trump fulfilled most of the prophecies as the Son of Man. It speaks about End Time Prophecies and Biblical revelations regarding "President Donald J. Trump, the Son of Man. The Christ."
This is where it's going. Eisav wants his birthright back. He believes it is his destiny to be the anointed of God to save the world - not Ya'aqov. This has been the contest between Christianity and Judaism since Yeshu walked the earth. This is where the idea of American Exceptionalism comes from and hence why davka now! Christian Nationalism must take control.
Every Jew knows that Yeshu was no messiah. He was an anti-messiah. He fulfilled not one prophecy that the true Mashiach was prophesied to accomplish, just the opposite!
Another, more familiar way to express the idea of an anti-messiah is anti-christ. "Donald Trump" in gematria (424) could be equal to that of "Mashiach ben David" in the same exact way that the gematria (358) of "nachash" (snake) is equal to "Mashiach." They are antagonists of each other. Mortal enemies.
"It's a halachah: Eisav soneh et Ya'aqov."
Eisav has been gunning for Ya'aqov for 2,000 years with blood libels (beginning with his own execution at the hands of the Romans!), with expulsions and pogroms and holocausts. He has one plan left - Judeo-Christianity...
"The One New Man"
In the future, Esau will wrap himself in a tallis, sit down next to Yakov and say to him, "You are my brother". ...Yakov will say to him, "My brother, you will not be like me. I will lead you to death, I will be the pestilence that leads you to Sheol (Hoshea 13,14). Had I upheld decrees that you promulgated against me, I would have been guilty at the eyes of Heaven. Had I violated them, you would have killed me (Yalkut Shimoni, Yirmiahu 333)."That was Esau's intention when he told Yakov, 'Let us travel together and I will go before you' (Genesis 33,12). He wanted them to join together in both this world and the world to come, to meet each other halfway, with each modifying his conduct until they were alike (Yalkut Shimoni, Genesis 133).
Ironically, the Greek Testament itself gives an obvious sign as to the identity of the End Times Antichrist...
"One of the heads of the beast appeared to have received a fatal wound, but its fatal wound was healed, and the whole earth followed after the beast in amazement. (Revelation 13:3)
That's what I was hinting at in my earlier comment today in ur earlier post with what I shared about the nameMAGA, JC and Esav
DeleteOy, oy, oy! I had to read that paragraph by Helgard (hell guard) Muller twice. I nominate it first prize as the most delusional, delirious piece of hallucinogenic nonsense I have ever read. That definitely deserves the darwin award for fiction writing. I don't know what psychedelic substances could produce a state of mind like this, but the author should be confined to a ward.
Speaking of myth and fables, there was a book published in 1982, that suggested that yeshu survived the cross by switching garments with barabba while imprisoned by the Romans and that barabba was executed while the followers of yeshu helped him escape to Europe. The authors claim that his secret bloodline continues to the present day and that his descendant will reclaim the Throne of Dovid Hamelech.
From Jewish writings, yeshu's birth was the result of an adulterous relationship between Miriam the hairdresser and Panderas, a Roman centurion. As far fetched as it may sound to some, you may be absolutely correct when you state that deep state donny may be a gilgul of Esav. If there is any substance to what the authors wrote in the book, Holy Blood, Holy Grail, then the orange messiah might be a descendant of yeshu himself. (assuming of course that there actually existed a historic yoshke)
Bizarre times indeed.
Rabbi Richter says Eisav's head merited to be buried in Me'arat HaMachpelah because it had some spirituality attached to it. Unfortunately, he let his body rule his head rather than the other way around.
ReplyDeleteHe says Tehillim 68.22 describes what will happen to Eisav's head at the End of Days: "Indeed God will wound His enemies' head, the hairy pate of him who goes with his guilt." [Rashi : "The pate of Esau, who is a 'hairy man,' and who always goes with his guilt."]
This drive of photos shows closes ups of the menorah given to as it says Trump the "Prince of Peace" by the Israel Heritage Foundation.
i think they are coming to power to ''return kingship of edom to mashiach'', deliberately or forcefully it has to happen amen
ReplyDeleteIn any case we won't know for sure how the geula will ultimately occur until it happens. And there is no prophecy today. Some people get excited over 'signs' (real or imagined) but we don't need them if we are doing the basics.
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Everything you're writing is in line with what a lot of the lecturers are saying.... I think the real difference between your opinion and theirs is whether Esav/Trump has nefarious intentions or not. In addition to that, he might just be prodding on without really thinking of changing anything in the 'jewish arena'. He may simply feel like he was appointed by G-D to bring good to the world. Maybe when the True Moshiach appears he will fight him..... and maybe not....
ReplyDeleteBeing that he does pretty much seem to believe in One G-D (he never indicated otherwise).... he may just surrender.