27 November 2024

Pray America Will NEVER Be Great Again!

26 Marcheshvan 5785

I have a question for Jews in America, or Jews who live in an American mindset, no matter where they physically reside.

What is the difference between an American Jew and a Jewish American?   An American Jew determines his identity to be Jewish above all else - Judaism defines him - while a Jewish American determines his identity primarily by nationality and Judaism is secondary.  

However, regardless of which definition fits, there is no denying that America - through its character and its prospects - exerts a heavy influence on the Jewish soul.  In short, no Jew who spends any amount of time there can avoid being assimilated to some degree - some greater, some lesser.  

That's true, of course, for every Diaspora Jew, no matter where they reside in exile.  And, sad to say, a great many do not throw off the effects when they make aliyah to Eretz Yisrael.  They bring their cultural maladies with them and continue to nurture them even in this Holy Land.  

I remember my shock (and yes, I admit, also my pleasure, although I wasn't Jewish yet) my first November in Eretz Yisrael upon seeing the special display in the supermarket of imported American Thanksgiving products.  It's so much worse now with the crazy "Black Friday" mania heard across the Land.

But, I digress.  Some have called this assimilation the silent holocaust.  What the nations couldn't do with outright hatred (Eisav's bite), they've nearly succeeded with "love for Israel" (Eisav's kiss).  And this holocaust, unlike the last one, has reached every place on earth thanks to the American Empire.  Whether one recognizes it or not, can admit it or not, to subscribe to, or even promote, an agenda to extend American greatness is tantamount to surrendering the Torah to oblivion.

There is a counterintuitive take on the recent election written just prior to it.  It might surprise you...

...The pro-Israel voices in Trump’s camp largely support Israel because they see it as an extension of American power. In their perception of a conflict between Western civilization and a “savage” Islamic world, they see Israel as a bulwark of the West nestled in the heart of a decisive region for protecting US imperial interests.
According to this worldview, Israel exists to serve Eisav and assist in his mission, not the other way round.  God forbid!

This is what those who want to Make America Great Again have in mind for Israel...

The Return International

You see, it's a Torah truth that Eisav and Ya'aqov will never be "great" at the same time.  For America to continue to rule the world, it has to continue to subjugate Yisrael.  And that means NO Mashiach!  NO Geulah!  If this is truly what you as an American Jew or as a Jewish American want, then you are an enemy to everything truly Jewish.

At this point, I suggest you read It's A Sad Day and pay heed to what the Maharal said about the Final Exile.

It's not good for a Jew to be anything other than simply a Torah Jew, no matter where he is on the planet.  But being a Torah Jew automatically puts you in an oppositional position vis a vis the American Empire.  You can't be happy to see American greatness succeed and prosper.  In fact, if we are really and truly praying for Mashiach and Geulah, we are in essence praying for the downfall of America.  You simply can't have it both ways!

May we see it speedily in our days!! 


  1. I am now close to 60. When I was young, I only ever heard the phrase "American Jew". At some point, decades ago, that phrase went out of favor, and all of a sudden we started referring to ourselves as "Jewish Americans". It never sat well with me, even though I understood the reasoning for the switch.

  2. I often feel like I am talking to a wall, when I bring the issues you bring up in this post. (sigh) I feel like I want to give up. But then you remind me that I can't.

    I mention the segment of gemara which mentions the this separation between Israel an West in this post: U. S. Elections Postmortem

    I wish that Jews would already Stop Saying that Trump Is Israel's Hero

  3. Totally well said. I was just discussing with my wife how western culture especially from America has infiltrated into Eretz Yisrael. This is a big reason why the divorce rate has increased substantially. People have been brainwashed by the Western mentality, divorce is not an embarrassment, if it doesn't work throw it away like some old item. You are totally right, so many of these Anglos who make Aliyah are stuck in the Jewish American mindset. Many of them don't even attempt to learn Hebrew despite the difficulties. They all have been sucked into Make American Great Again. It should be totally the opposite.

  4. It's a pandemic. Last week I cried for two reasons. The murder of Rabbi Kogan in the UAE and the announcement of a $2M gift from the Kushners to build a new beit midrash in the Rav's honor. It would be called Beit Zvi and through it the Jewish life in the UAE would be strengthened. I can't tell you which made me sadder.

  5. This article also explains the Evangelical support for Israel. The first thing out of their mouths when one asks then "why?" - they quote Genesis: "I will bless those who bless you and curse those who curse you." They perceive that it is in their own interests and this is how it is sold to them by their "faith leaders."

    Follow the Money--The Great Wealth Transfer

    In fact, the "wealth transfer" is going to go the other way: "Then you shall see and be radiant, and your heart shall be startled and become enlarged, for the abundance of the west shall be turned over to you, the wealth of the nations that will come to you." (Yeshayahu 60.5)

  6. Donny Muskowitz28/11/24 9:20 AM

    In Latin, MAGA translates to "sorceress" or "witch. Literature and Fantasy: Authors who draw from Latin for fantasy, historical, or mythical themes might use maga to describe a character involved in magic or witchcraft. Academic and Historical Studies: Scholars studying ancient texts, Roman history, or classical mythology may reference maga when discussing figures associated with magic or supernatural powers. Pop Culture Influence: The term occasionally pops up in modern discussions about the occult, witchcraft, or spirituality, often as a nod to Latin's historical and mystical resonance. Neo-Pagan and Occult Circles: In modern occultism or neo-paganism, Latin is sometimes used to evoke an air of tradition or mysticism, and words like maga might be adopted in rituals or symbolic writings....

    Since they are obsessed with JC who worked witchcraft/sorcery as did Esav perhaps it is a fitting name for their movement, and Jews should be no where near it and Mr. Warpspeed!

  7. Israelis love Black Friday,...

    The online shopping season reaches its peak Thursday, as Black Friday has become an official shopping holiday in many countries, and Israel was one of the first to adopt this shopping day, which has long been stretched to 10 days.


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