17 July 2022


18 Tammuz 5782
Tzom Shivah Asar b'Tammuz Observed 

This marks a highly significant turning point in the geulah process and it comes on the day we are observing the 17th of Tammuz fast.  The End is (Indeed) Near!


  1. Iran is finally demanding membership in the nuke club. I have recently come to believe nuclear weapons (not to be confused with nuclear energy) are just another psy-op, no different than the plandemic. We'll see who is right. The thing is, if I am right, it doesn't take a lot to imagine what will happen when people realize they are fake and there is no "Samson Option" that Israel can avail itself of. There is no need for doomsday weapons to have Jews quaking in fear of annihilation by the nations of the world.

    1. So, Shimshon, please explain the American bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki according to what you believe happened there, back towards the end of WWII.

  2. Shimshon, Whatever the truth is (probably not 1% truth left in the world as our Sages predict at the end of days and which we are now witnessing), because we know the end of the story and we have to fear no one or anyone because we have Hashem!

    1. That would be my point to anyone who asks me. We must assume what is put in front of our eyes is illusion.

  3. WHO do u think is bringing all this fear? And why is HE doing it? TESHUVA!
