"Egypt" Loses Its Power Over Israel on the 15th of Nissan

"...and on the 15th of Nisan they will in the future be redeemed from subjugation to exile.” (Tanhuma, Bo 9)

29 January 2019

When Mashiach Comes

23 Shevat 5779

The history of the last hundred years shows that when the situation for Jews in chutz la'aretz got bad, the situation for Jews in Eretz Yisrael got correspondingly worse, too. I used to think that was to preserve free will, and that does figure into it, I'm sure, but now, I think it's more complicated than that.

The secular Zionists always claimed that only in Eretz Yisrael could Jews find safety, but, as many Jews who live comfortably in chutz la'aretz like to remind us, that is, sadly, not the case. Not only are Jews in Eretz Yisrael not safer from bodily harm, they have also not escaped antisemitic acts of violence against their property.

Vandals throw Torah scrolls on floor in Jerusalem synagogue attack
Minister slams vandalism as an ‘outrageous anti-Semitic pogrom’

And there is the crux of the issue. Eretz Yisrael is not a place of safety to escape to. It is a place of kedushah that you embrace. It's a place where the soul can be elevated, regardless of what threatens the body. It's the sole place in the world where the Torah can properly be lived out in its fullness. And for these reasons, Jews should want to come here, even if it were the most dangerous place for Jews in the world. Because, after all, "safety" is just an illusion. When it's your time to leave this world, it doesn't matter where you are, the Malach HaMavet can find you anywhere.

By keeping the heat on here in Eretz Yisrael while the situation deteriorates in chutz La'aretz, Hashem is sending us a message. It's like He is saying, don't bother coming here if you are only seeking peace and safety for continuing your mundane existence. But, if you love Me enough to put everything on the line for a higher existence - one closer to My side - prove it by ignoring the threats. After all, I am the only protection you will ever need anywhere. My hand is not too weak and My arm is not too short - to save you.

When Mashiach comes, true peace and safety will be found all over the world.


  1. I love this! And I want to add one more thing. Even if you are stuck in the mire of chutz l'aretz and Hashem has not paved the way for you for whatever reason, you will be saved if you stand by Him and yearn to be close. I have grown very tired of aliya-bullying from the self-righteous in Eretz Yisrael, many of whom made aliya themselves... because some of us have family concerns and multiple obstacles that would necessitate family abandonment in order to overcome and move. It is not the mundane that keeps us but the lack of basic resources and other contingencies that keep us where we don't, by any means, want to be. So please daven for us that ALL of us who are with Hashem get taken out by Hashem when He sees fit, whether before the revelation of Moshiach or after. May it happen immediately!

  2. "When Jews leave the countries and come to Israel (mainly Americans), many bring with them massive amounts of wasteful and mind-murdering gashmiut and ideologies with them which destroys the senses, the kindness and the joys and the love and feelings in us all and turns us all into angry and heartless monsters and we see this for a fact every single day and it is also questionable what is happening in our meetings (yeshivas) as well! "
    It takes time to clear out all the garbage and addictions from living in America or anywhere else in the West. please forgive us for all the mess. We are sill learning how to be real Jews.

  3. See Lev Eliyahu (Rabbi Eliyahu Lopian) on last weeks parsha (yisro) towards the end he writes :חבלי משיח
    ...כעת שקט בא'י עד מתי יהי' כן רק השי'ת יודע אני שמעתי בלונדון מפי הקדוש ר' אלחנן וסרמן זצ'ל בשם החפץ חיים שמלחמת גוג ומגוג יהי' ג' פעמים וביו מלחמת העולם הראשונה לשניה יהי' 25 שנים ואח'כ תהי' מלחמת גוג ומגוג שלישית .
    This means that we are now in-between two Gog Umagog World wars, and no one can be sure about themselves no matter where one lives, even in Eretz Israel (according to Rabbi Lopian)

  4. True, but while the erev rav are ruling, it is an uphill battle. We need the righteous (the few) in the knesset to, at least, fight for Jewish eduation in the the public schools, where other religions are taught with other issurim, r'l. Only Jewish education must be reinstated in the public schools in EY where the youth will learn who they are and why they are. Wherever the Yehudi finds himself in the four corners of the earth, he must never forget who he is and keep the Torah and mitzvot as best he/she can and know that we can only rely on H'! The evils that the medinah has allowed in (especially in the last 25+ years) must be replaced with Torah life which will immediately bring security back to the Land. True peace for every Yehudi and even for the rest of decent humanity will only be when King Moshiach reigns.
