"Egypt" Loses Its Power Over Israel on the 15th of Nissan

"...and on the 15th of Nisan they will in the future be redeemed from subjugation to exile.” (Tanhuma, Bo 9)

08 February 2009

The A7 Agenda

Our sources advise us to do our best to tread the middle path. The main reason is that many dangers lie at either extreme. Those who claim the "right" path, the political "right," have no trouble seeing the error of their brothers on the left. The so-called left-wing in Israel aids and abets our enemy on the right---Yishmael---in the name of secular humanism. But the so-called right-wing in Israel aids and abets our enemy on the left---Eisav---in the name of Torah with the stated aim of "being a light to the nations."

Why do the Jewish people always feel the need to have allies? Is HKB"H not enough for us?

The political religious right-wing in Israel has allied itself with the political right-wing in America. And it is primarily young, modern, English-speaking olim who have jumped forward to assume the leadership of A7's English programming which admittedly caters to xians and accepts a large part of its funding from them. They are mentored by teachers of similar background who are proponents of what they call the Universal Torah. As such, they bring a very westernized, assimilationist approach to what constitutes "being a light to the nations."

It follows the xian missionary proposition that the covenant-bearer has an obligation to go out into the whole world to bring the gospel of Torah to the nations. I believe that this is not only untrue, but self-destructive.