29 April 2022


28 Nissan 5782
13 Days of the Omer
Parashat Kedoshim - Mevarchim

"Hashem spoke to Moses, saying: Speak to the entire assembly of the Children of Israel and say to them:  You shall be kadosh, because I, Hashem your God, am kadosh."

This expresses very succinctly how we become kadosh - by becoming more and more like HaKadosh Baruch Hu.  When  our souls imbibe the kadosh words of our Torah HaKadosh, they take on, more and more, the midot of our Father in Heaven.  "Coming close to Hashem" means to be ever more like Him.  Every mitzvah we perform recreates us closer to His image as Adam was at the beginning of time.


1 comment:

  1. If all the jews would fast for two days in a row and learn tomer devorah moshiach will arrive. The problem is the ta'avot and all the companies that sell poison and these recreational drugs with a kosher hechsher.. Miriam
