"Egypt" Loses Its Power Over Israel on the 15th of Nissan

"...and on the 15th of Nisan they will in the future be redeemed from subjugation to exile.” (Tanhuma, Bo 9)

05 February 2018

Beware False Teachers Bringing the World "Religion"

20 Shevat 5778

I put "religion" in quotes because all the "enlightened" people are down on religion. Today, it is all about "spirituality" because religion divides us, but spirituality unites us. So they claim.

Some of the rabbis teaching on the internet are agents of the Vatican's effort to create a world religion, wittingly or unwittingly. Maybe they have also been mislead and think they are revealing a new truth to the world. 

Again, timing is everything. I'm sure that Mashiach will reveal to us deeper truths from the Torah than have been known before, but that will only come after our bodies and minds have been upgraded post-geulah shleimah, when the yetzer hara has been externalized once again and we regain the level of Adam before the cheit.

Again, the failure to WAIT - in Gan Eden as well as at Har Sinai - was the failure of these two great tests. This same test is facing us now. 


Caution: If your faith is shaky, do not listen to this video. God forbid that what I share for instructional purposes should mislead anyone down this path to perdition. You should be able to pick out the obvious errors. Prepare yourself, warn others.

The Difference Between Kabbalah and Religion