19 October 2024

Shavua Tov and Mo'adim L'Simchah

18 Tishrei 5785
3rd Day Chol HaMo'ed Sukkot

Continuing from Friday...

.. American officials: The Pentagon secretly sent US commandos to Israel to advise on efforts to locate the abductees.  American intelligence officers later joined those commando fighters in Israel. 6 US MQ-9 drones performed missions to help locate the abductees.

.. US Sec State Blinken will arrive in Israel and is expected to discuss the renewal of the negotiations for the hostage deal.  (Israel Realtime Updates)

 ▪PM NETANYAHU SAYS.. The agents of Iran who tried to assassinate me and my wife today made a bitter mistake. This will not deter me and the State of Israel from continuing the war of revival against our enemies to ensure our security for generations.  I say to the Iranians and their partners in the axis of evil:   Anyone who harms the citizens of the State of Israel will pay a heavy price for it.

▪DEF MIN GALLANT SAYS.. Iran's attempt to assassinate the prime minister is a direct declaration of war, tonight at the cabinet meeting we will make new decisions.   (Israel Realtime Updates)


  1. It is so obvious that they did this on purpose to get back at Netanyahu for not listening to them in every way.

  2. Yes, our "allies" in America leaked. Traitors!

  3. Easy to blame 'anybody else' for attack on his home too...
