22 April 2020

"When Hashem Arises to Break the Earth"

28 Nisan 5780
Day 13 of the Omer

(See full lecture HERE.)
"And they shall come into the caves of the rocks and into the hollows of the earth, because of the fear of the Lord and because of the splendor of His pride, when He rises to break the earth." (Isaiah 2:19)

"For the stars of the heavens and its constellations shall not allow their light to illuminate, the sun has become dark in its going forth, and the moon shall not shine its light." (Isaiah 13:10)

"The earth has broken; the earth has crumbled; the earth totters." (Isaiah 24:19)

"And it shall come to pass on that day, says the Lord God, that I will cause the sun to set at midday, and I will darken the land on a sunny day."  (Amos 8:9)

"And it shall come to pass on that day that there shall be no light, only disappearing light and thick darkness." (Zechariah 14:6)

"...caves of the rocks and ... hollows of the earth...."

11 Expensive Billionaire Apocalypse Bunkers For The Super Rich


  1. KFIRAH !!!!!!http://www.israelnationalnews.com/News/News.aspx/279043

    1. Yes. I am very happy that you see that, because many Jews will see it as a "heartwarming" event as it is so described in the article.

  2. they took it already down in Arutz7. They broadcast live

  3. TODAY AT 3PM ILLUMINATI RITUAL IN ISRAEL - THEY'RE FLOUTING THIS AS A UNIFIED PRAYER - JEWISH, CATHOLIC AND MUSLIM - ALL TOGETHER - https://rotter.net/forum/scoops1/622880.shtml?utm_source=rotter.net&utm_medium=mivzakside#5

    1. It's not the first time. See here.

      Every Torah-faithful Jew needs to understand that everyone who participates in such things cannot be trusted.

    2. Of course, we know this - the Chareidim know this which is why they banned the Rabbanut Harasheet from the beginning.

    3. Look at the symbolism of April 22 - and *coincidentally* it's the day they call *earth day* - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/April_22

    4. Exactly. And they are not wrong when they call the police "Nazis" either. What else can you call THIS?

    5. Completely - saw it before and it is absolutely heart-breaking. No words. As for the *mutual prayer* - IT IS AVODAH ZARAH!!! Proof that the Erev Rav are rabbis as well.

    6. From The Modern Erev Rav...

      "...the Erev Rav is our greatest enemy, the one who separates the two moshiachs. The k'lipah of the Erev Rav works only through deception and roundabout ways. Therefore, the war against the Erev Rav is the most difficult and bitterest of all. (Kol HaTor, Chapter 2, Section 2, Letter 'bais')

      But, as the Vilna Gaon wrote: They are called 'Erev Rav' because they are the heads of the Jews in exile, and therefore they are called 'rav.' (Likutim HaGra)

      In fact, some of the most frightening words come from the Divrei Chaim, who says: "Before the arrival of Moshiach, most of the rabbis will be from the Erev Rav, because Israel in themselves are holy, but the Erev Rav only work for their own benefit . . . wanting to rule over the public . . . One should only join with those who truly serve G-d and sacrifice themselves to Him, but not in order to receive any benefit." (Divrei Chaim, Parashas Vayakhel, 'Omissions')

    7. Do you have a Hebrew version of this?

    8. No, sorry. You can see the whole thing here in English.

      That website does have page in Hebrew. Try here.

  4. It's going on right now (3:17 pm) HERE.

  5. *Abrahamic religions*???? This is the new buzzword for NWO - one world religion. All under one umbrella. Hashem help us now.

  6. Look what the fake Sanhedrin is saying in our name:

    Dear President Trump

    In our history we have always learned of the mercies of God who give second chances to all who which to love and serve his Glory. We humbly continue to plead for your help in obtaining a permit for the 2nd Passover Sacrifice opportunity from our government. This opportunity is allowed for all those who miss the first offering for any reason. We, the people of Israel beg you to help us bring honor and Glory to the World by serving the God of Israel in the place, time and manner our Torah commands of us. We also please with you for support for our human rights, freedom of religion and the right to prosper which comes from our obeying Torah properly. Please see this story to understand how it was in the past and remind everyone it’s not too late.

    The Seventy Nations Organization
    Sanhedrin Jerusalem Israel

    I know talking in shul is bad and saying lashon hara is bad and wearing a wig is bad, BUT - this (the letter as well as the world interfaith prayer) is so very much worse - PUBLIC HILLUL HASHEM ON A MASSIVE SCALE!

  7. Add this to that judge approving the LBGT lawsuit, and tearing down settlements and burning a little girl and...
    ...well then Moshiach comes when we are totally undeserving....
    To save us from ourselves.
    Because He promised.
    And some, many still deserve it.

  8. Will the rashoim finally crown the Armilus so we can crown the Goel Tzedek ben Yosef?

    Those who want to follow HaShem and his Torah should be separated out from the those who want silly kumbaya costume parties.

    yalla birur already.

  9. Rashi on Isaiah 2:19:
    And they shall come: [i.e.,] the inhabitants of the earth shall come into the caves of the rocks.
    and into the hollows: They are caves.
    when He rises: for Judgment Day.
    to break the earth: to break the wicked of the earth.
    Rebbe Shimon bar Yochai on Zohar volume 2, Parshas Shemos, page 7b (Hebrew translation):
    בְּאוֹתוֹ זְמַן יִתְעוֹרֵר מֶלֶךְ הַמָּשִׁיחַ לָצֵאת מִתּוֹךְ גַּן עֵדֶן מֵאוֹתוֹ מָקוֹם שֶׁנִּקְרָא קַ''ן צִפּוֹ''ר, וְיִתְעוֹרֵר בְּאֶרֶץ הַגָּלִיל. וְאוֹתוֹ יוֹם שֶׁיֵּצֵא לְשָׁם, יִתְרַגֵּז כָּל הָעוֹלָם, וְכָל בְּנֵי הָעוֹלָם מִתְחַבְּאִים בְּתוֹךְ מְעָרוֹת וּסְלָעִים שֶׁלֹּא יַחְשְׁבוּ לְהִנָּצֵל
    Rashi on Zechariah 14:6:
    there shall be no light, only disappearing light and thick darkness: Jonathan renders. There shall not be light, only light that passes away, and thickness, i.e., there shall not be splendrous light, only יְקָרוֹת and קִפָּאוֹן shall [there] be. יְקָרוֹת An expression similar to (Ps. 37: 20), “like the disappearing light over the plains.” Like a sort of light that appears in the morning over the mountains and disappears little by little. וְקִפָּאוֹן Congealed and dark and thick, like ice that is congealed and frozen, as in (Job 10:10), “And like cheese You curdled me.”

  10. Just to the point:

    Israeli Leaders Open Up Nuclear Bunker in War on Coronavirus
    "Defense Minister Naftali Bennett appeared to play down the move, telling an Israel Radio reporter during a news conference that the bunker “is not so relevant (to the crisis). We are not under a missile attack that would require us to be underground.”

