19 April 2020

Critical Information Everyone Should Have

26 Nisan 5780
Day 11 of the Omer


  1. Bill Gates is pulling a fast one on the entire planet under the guise of Covid19.

    His foundation is also a donor to Lucis trust which advise the UN and the WHO. The same WHO that issued a worldwide pandemic.

    And why is Microsoft (Bill Gatess operation) posting advertising featuring known
    occultist Marina Abramovic several days ago? Remember the leaked emails about Josh Podesta and "spirit cooking"??? Same evil woman.

    Just because people don't believe these evil people are plotting doesn't mean these evil people aren't plotting. Yes, they do really want to destroy and enslave humanity.
    There really are evil people out there. Time to wake up.

  2. You can add to your list this link as well 'Lies, Damned Lies and Coronavirus Statistics'

  3. Honey and Barry Sherman, owner of Canadian pharmaceutical giant Apotex were brutally and demonstrably assasinated in their home in an unsolved murder by professionals by strangulation. Apotex was a leading producer of hydroxy chloroquine, a suspected 100% rate for Covid 19, obviating the need for Gates $trillion dollar worldwide vaccine.
    By the way, on another note, the Cherokee(Jewish) Indians never got smallpox, attributed to their widespread use of tobacco. Some studies have indicated that smoking creates nicotinic acid, vitaminB3 and do not succumb to Cov19. Now, I am not recommending smoking but, we are all aware of the extensive anti - smoking campaigns, so the question becomes:when was this known and when was this planned? And of course Qui Bono? But it's not just th money.
