01 July 2024

The "Real Story" on Chareidi Draft

25 Sivan 5784


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With thanks to JK for the following extremely important message!!


  1. In answer to anyone who wishes to point out that it is not 1 Tammuz today... (Rabbi Richter): "Yesterday we shot 4 classes for the next 4 weeks. Baruch Hashem... In a last minute change we switched the order."

  2. I heard from another Rabbi that among many secular in places like Rannana and Hertzelia, there is an entire industry where as soon as kids reach the age of 16 they suddenly get mental problems and then get exemptions from the army. This is estimated as high as 30% maybe even more, yet of course we don't hear about this in the anti -G-d media.

    1. Yep! I first heard about this many years ago. But even before that in the 50s, Moroccans were actually welcomed by the secular, Ashkenazi elite, unlike the Iraq and Yemenite Jews. Why? More Moroccans to fight on the frontlines in the IDF, les elite children and the frontlines to fight. Instead they sat at desk jobs, no doubt spending their time networking.

      Leftist Hypocrisy in Israeli Military Conscription

    2. Been writing about this for years. Here is the recent Revelation From former MK, Left-wing Chaim Ramon.

      Also find the link to my first post on this from 2013.

  3. This is no surprise, that is the 'whole'' reason they want & are trying to force the chareidim into the army - meaning, as cannon fodder!
    These ashkenazi so called Jews are really Erev Rav and not Jews.
    There is no question in my mind that that is the case. These so-called leaders whether in the IDF, government & definitely in the evil court system are all part of the ones who pushed for the 'state' a hundred years ago. There were the real Jews who, of course, wanted to make
    coming back home a reality but the leaders were the Erev Rav, who always seem to have the power and wealth. They're always connected to the other nations and have their backing.
    Just a little while ago, they said they had more than enough soldiers and even when they have chareidim enlisting themselves, many do not
    pass the physical tests. Now that there's war and, of course, these young leftists are exempt, they now need more soldiers to give their lives, c'v. Why have these upper echelon generals not been 'arrested'?
    They're waiting instead for their resignation. They will not resign. Why
    is Bibi so weak? There are many questions and if they are allowed to
    descend to the evil of these times, such as the woke zevel, etc., the WHOLE NATION IS IN DANGER! Hashem Yerachem!

    1. You are correct. The leadership here is not Jewish at all. All Eruv Rav Amalekites.

  4. At the start of this war, many haredim did volunteer for the army, and only a small percentage were accepted. I don't know the true reason for their rejection, but I feel that TPTB don't want haredim to volunteer and be accepted, all nice and peacefully. They want a battle, to be heavy-handed and force a conscription. It's not so much about army service, but a war against haredim, just as the gush katif expulsion was less about ceding land, and more a war against the national religious.

    I said to someone that if they want haredim in the army, they have to be prepared for a haredi ramatkal. I also asked how is it that the national religious, who do serve, and very disproportionately in combat units, barely advance in the ranks, and never to the level of ramatkal. Chalila, it really is about canon fodder. In addition to the soldiers killed, there are over 8,000 seriously injured soldiers. Hashem please protect all our soldiers from ALL harm (i.e. wherever it comes from).

  5. There was a religious general General Brick. When he spoke involving Torah, they removed him from his position.

    1. I think you might be referring to General Ofer Winter.

    2. Yes thank you, I made a mistake, that is whom I was referring to.
