07 July 2024

Hezbollah Expands the Strike Area Further South

1 Tammuz 5784
Rosh Chodesh II 
Shavua tov/ Chodesh tov!

It's nine months today by the Gregorian calendar (Oct 7 - July 7) or 275 days since the Simchat Torah Massacre and the ensuing war for Jerusalem (Al Aqsa Flood).  Will today herald a new birth?

⭕ NORTHERN BARRAGE.. swath of towns from south of Meron through south of Tiberias, from Hezbollah. Apparently this is a response to yesterday's assassination of the senior commander. Rocket HIT by the BIG mall, Tiberious, without alarm. Injury, 28 year old man, shrapnel. Many wildfires started.
(Israel Realtime Updates)

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